Ad Commander Tools


This plugin is an add-on for Ad Commander and requires Ad Commander to function. Ad Commander Tools provides functionality that would not be used by most Ad Commander users on a regular basis.

With Ad Commander Tools you can export your ads, groups, placements, and stats into a bundle, import bundles into other sites, and reset ad statistics for individual ads or all ads.

  • Export Ad Commander content with or with statistics
  • Selectively import ads, groups, placements, stats into Ad Commander via CSVs
  • Set imported content to draft or match the status of the exported content
  • Delete impressions and clicks for a specific ad
  • Delete impressions and clicks for ads that no longer exist
  • Reset all impressions and clicks for all ads


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“Ad Commander Tools” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


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Dnevnik promjena


  • Support for WordPress 6.7


  • Adds localization support


  • Fixes WP multisite issue where some import bundles could not be opened


  • Adds required plugin header
  • Fixes textdomains


  • Initial stable version