With extra product options builder for woocommerce you get more fields/features than any other, and we keep adding more every week. If you don’t find how to do something let us know and we will work on adding it.
A bunch of fields at your disposal
- Text Box: Add one line of text (Demo)
- Multiple Box: Add multiple lines of text (Demo)
- Radio: Select from a list using radio buttons (Demo)
- Checkbox: Select one or many options from a list (Demo)
- Paragraph: Add additional text to the product (Demo)
- Divider: Separate the extra product fields in sections (Demo)
- Datepicker: Select a date from a calendar (Demo)
- Masked Field: Allow to input text in a predefined format (Demo)
- Color Picker: Select a color form a dropdown (Demo)
- Slider: Slider control (Demo)
- Range: Similar to slider but with multiple indicators (Demo)
- Button Selector: Select from a list of options (Demo)
- Switch: Turn on/off control (Demo)
- Signature: Signature control (Demo)
- Item Swatcher: Select from a list of colors (Demo)
- Term of Service: Add a term of service checkbox (Demo)
- Google Maps: Pick address using google maps (Demo)
- Textual Image: Dynamically add text to an image (Demo)
- Size Chart: Display a table, each row can be configured with a different price if needed (Demo)
Conditional logic: Show or hide using conditions, like when a variation is selected or when another field has an specific value (Demo)
- More than 1500 icons to style your fields: Make your fields look great and easy to fill with your own icons or images (Demo)
Premium Features
- There is also a premium version that has more fields
- List: Add a list that can be increased or decreased by the user (Demo)
- Group Panel: Create sub sections and display a sub total in each of them (Demo)
- Pop Up: Add a button that will display the configured fields in a pop up (Demo)
- Repeater: Create a list of fields that can be repeater with a buttons (Demo)
- File Upload: Upload files (Demo)
- Hidden: Hiden field that is not visible by the user but can be seen in the order dashboard
- Image Picker: Select one or many items from a list of images (Demo)
- Daterange: Create a field that can do calculations between two dates (Demo)
- Searchable dropdown: Create a dropdown that can be filtered, this dropdown can also include images (Demo)
- Collapsible Panel: A panel that can collapse fields inside it (Demo)
- Text With Styles: Let users style a text (Demo)
- Likert with scale: Create a likert scale line (Demo)
- Survey: Add a survey table to your product (Demo)
- Group Button: Add selectable buttons ([Demo}(https://demos.rednao.com/productbuilder/product/group-button/))
- Rating: Add a rating field (Demo)
- Image Condition: Change the product image depending on a condition. (Demo)
- Formulas: Change the product image depending on a condition.
- Global Product Options: Add options to all the products that match a condition defined by you
- Custom Validations: Create your own validations (Demo)
Latest Tutorials
= Creating multi-price options =
Learn how to create fields with dynamic prices
How to add extra options to hundreds of WooCommerce products
Learn how to apply extra options in bulk to products that match a criteria (for example to products that belongs to a specific category)
Creating Fees
Couldn’t add the extra product option that you needed? Let us know! we are eager to improve the plugin even more =) Contact Us
Latest Tutorials
Introduction to the front end api
For developers. Learn how to use the api to fill a text box or check a box programmatically.
Snimke zaslona
What about performance, you keep adding more features constantly but doesn’t that affect the speed/performance of the plugin?
That is the best part, it is not affected at all because the product only loads the features that you included within your product. So we could add 100,000 more features but if your product was designed to only use one of those then it will only load that one!
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Dnevnik promjena
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.137
- Showing a link for not image files uploaded using a file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.135
- Added minimum number of items setting to multiple option fields
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.134
- Added html field
- Added style to change the icon size of the button selection
- Fixed issue with signature field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.133
- Fixed issue with pop up selector
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.132
- Added pop up selector field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.131
- Fixed issues with button counter and google map fields
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.130
- Added product designer demo
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.129
- Fixed issue with wordpress 6.6
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.128
- Fixed issue with conditional logic
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.126
- Fixed issue with HPOs and button / link field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.125
- Added button counter field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.124
- Added feature to skip meta data of the shipping order
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.123
- Added function to access global product options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.122
- Added Link/Button field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.119
- Added new feature to google map fields that let you put the full address in one input field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.117
- Added option to calculate google map prices using distance and time
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.116
- Texted up to 6.5.3
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.115
- Tested up to 6.5.2
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.114
- Added minimum and maximum date to appointment field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.113
- Fix issue with quantity selector
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.112
- 6.5 compatibility
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.111
- Fixed issue with font family property
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.110
- Added feature to let you select a zero in the maximum number of items condition
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.108
- Changes to support new product designer field features.
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.107
- Added font picker and product designer fields
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.105
- Fixed issue with the review panel
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.104
- Fixed localization issues
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.103
- Added dynamic labels translation support with wpml
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.102
- Added support for wordpress up to 6.4.2
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.101
- Preparing plugin to support wpml for product options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.100
- Fixed issue with the date picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.99
- Fixed issue with google maps
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.98
- Added support to 6.4.1
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.97
- Making the number of decimals in a number field configurable
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.96
- Fixed issue with set maximum number of items
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.95
- Fixed issue with resent emails not including the option information
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.94
- Removed debugger clause
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.92
- Fixed issue with edit optins with file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.91
- Added the feature to create links that don’t open a new window
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.90
- Added data-index to repeater
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.89
- Fixed issue with removing a field in a multi column row
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.88
- Changed aio forms name
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.87
- Added translations
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.86
- Added feature so multiple options fields like dropdown support bulk upload of options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.85
- Added support to wp 6.3
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.84
- Added more style options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.83
- Added styles for the slot field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.82
- Added appointment field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.81
- Saving each item in the meta of the order
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.79
- Added option to include taxes in custom fees
- Added option to consider ordered quantity in custom fees
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.77
- Fixed issue with pop up field in mobile browsers
- Added function SetMinDate and SetMaxDate to the date picker field.
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.76
- Added tool tip container class so it can by styled
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.75
- Fixed issue with dynamic bundle fields
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.74
- Added translatable option and final amounts
- Added function to get the fields of repeater
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.73
- Added font size style
- Added fueature to include scripts when options are loaded
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.72
- Added elementor widget
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.71
- Fixed issue with php 8.0
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.70
- Fixed issue in global product options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.69
- Fixed issue with repeater price calculation when the repeater is hidden
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.68
- Added rating field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.67
- Fixed issue with file upload conditional logic
- Added maximum length setting to text field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.66
- Added clone and duplicate function to global options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.65
- Added price per option formula
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.64
- Fixed issue with group panel calculation
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.63
- Added price per item calculation and fixed issue with fees
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.61
- Added font family and fixed issues in global product options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.60
- Fixed issues with translations
- Fixed issue with condition in switch container
- Added flash editing
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.58
- Added survey field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.56
- Added searchable dropdown field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.55
- Fixed issue with formatted meta value
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.54
- Added text with style and pop up fields
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.53
- Fixed issue with date range
- Added feature to specify minimum end date in date range
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.52
- Fixed issue with order again function
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.50
- Fixed issue with tag
- Added feature to change the size of columns and input boxes
- Added feature to style one single fields or all the fields of the same type
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.49
- Fixed conflict with woocommerce 6.4.1
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.48
- Fixed warning on cart page
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.47
- Added clear button to the color setting
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.46
- Fixed issues with importer
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.45
- Added the option to include images and text to the color swatcher also changed this field name to item swatcher
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.44
- Added Product Quantity pricing option and icons to the checkbox field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.43
- Fixed issue with style tab and collapsible field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.42
- Fixed issue with multiple step feature and add a feature to let the step positions to be changed
- Added configurable restrictions to the date picker.
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.40
- Added feature to disable dates in datepicker
- Fixed issue with dropping fields and calculating price in the file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.39
- Added new line support to tooltip and descriptions
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.38
- Fixed issue with option amount
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.37
- Added link support to the description and tooltip properties
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.36
- Fixed styles of number field not working
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.35
- Fixed issue with field classes and multiple step options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.28
- Added Global Product Options Support
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.28
- Added support/feedback links
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.27
- Added size chart control https://productbuilder.rednao.com/product/size-chart/
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.23
- Added a setting to define a class name to each field
- Added custom actions
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.21
- Fixed issue with formatted meta data
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.20
- Fixed issue with dragging field in firefox
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.10
- Added import/Export feature
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.9
- Bug fixed with conditional logic
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.8
- Bug fixed with checkbox field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.7
- Bug fixed with radio calculations
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Bug fixed with file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.5
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.4
- Added color picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Fixed issue with hiding fields when form loads
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Fixed issue with conditional options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added repeater field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.0
- Initial Release
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.1
- Fixed issue with builder
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2
- Added image picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added date field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Added date range field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Added file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.8
- Bug fixed with checkbox field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.7
- Bug fixed with radio calculations
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Bug fixed with file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.5
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.4
- Added color picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Fixed issue with hiding fields when form loads
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Fixed issue with conditional options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added repeater field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.0
- Initial Release
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.1
- Fixed issue with builder
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2
- Added image picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added date field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Added date range field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Added file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.8
- Bug fixed with checkbox field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.7
- Bug fixed with radio calculations
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Bug fixed with file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.5
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.4
- Added color picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Fixed issue with hiding fields when form loads
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Fixed issue with conditional options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added repeater field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.0
- Initial Release
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.1
- Fixed issue with builder
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2
- Added image picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added date field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Added date range field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Added file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.8
- Bug fixed with checkbox field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.7
- Bug fixed with radio calculations
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Bug fixed with file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.5
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.4
- Added color picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Fixed issue with hiding fields when form loads
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Fixed issue with conditional options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added repeater field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.0
- Initial Release
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.1
- Fixed issue with builder
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2
- Added image picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added date field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Added date range field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Added file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.8
- Bug fixed with checkbox field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.7
- Bug fixed with radio calculations
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Bug fixed with file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.5
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.4
- Added color picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Fixed issue with hiding fields when form loads
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Fixed issue with conditional options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added repeater field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.0
- Initial Release
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.1
- Fixed issue with builder
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2
- Added image picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added date field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Added date range field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Added file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.8
- Bug fixed with checkbox field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.7
- Bug fixed with radio calculations
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Bug fixed with file upload
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.5
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.4
- Added color picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.6
- Added masked field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Fixed issue with hiding fields when form loads
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Fixed issue with conditional options
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added repeater field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.0
- Initial Release
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.1
- Fixed issue with builder
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2
- Added image picker
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.1
- Added date field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.2
- Added date range field
Extra Product Options Builder for WooCommerce 1.2.3
- Added file upload