Do you ever feel disturbed when viewing your site there is an overflow admin bar on the up side ? You can enable and disable it on your control panel
( eg. http://www.yourblog.gov/wp-admin/profile.php )
You may see 2 new additional option there, if you want to show it infront only or infront page and backend page also. you can on off it easily!
Main Site |
[Support] (http://www.indowp.com/plugins/indowp-adminbar-plugins/)
Enjoy this simple and cool plugins!
- Put this under plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins).
- Go to Admin->Plugins and activate the plugin.
- Go yo your profile then you may see 2 new additional option there.
- Enjoy it!
- How to set it?
You can set it on your user profile which is http://www.exampleblog.com/wp-admin/profile.php
- Is the plugins Free?
Yes, you can use it for free.
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Dnevnik promjena
First release.