Arabic & English Estimated Reading Time


Calculate and Show Estimated Reading Time in your posts in Both Arabic and English.
With no perfomance Impact, and no external loaded styles or scripts

Data Collection

This plugin collects some diagnostic data to help improve its functionality and performance.
This data can only be viewd by the developers and are not used for any ADs or marketing purposes.
All of these data (except the plugin settings) are publicly availabe anyway in most cases.
You can disable data collecting in the plugin settings.

The data collected includes:
Site Name: Your site’s name.
Site URL: Your site’s URL.
Admin Email: Your admin email.
Site Language: Your site’s language.
Plugin Version: This plugin’s version.
WordPress Version: Your WordPress version.
PHP Version: Your server’s PHP version.
Theme: Your active theme’s name and version.
Active Plugins: Your active plugins.
Plugin Settings: This plugin’s settings.
Multisite: If your site is a multisite network.

This data is sent to our server. The data transmission is non-blocking and does not affect the performance of your site.

We respect your privacy and handle your data with care. The data collected is used solely for diagnostic purposes and to improve the functionality and performance of this plugin. It is not shared with any third parties.


  1. Upload the arabic-english-estimated-reading-time folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Configure the plugin by navigating to Settings -> Estimated Reading Time in the WordPress dashboard.


  1. Dose this plugin supports WPML or PolyLang ?

    • Yes, this plugin will autodetect if you are using wpml of Polylang, and will show the Estimated Time in the set post language.
  2. Dose this plugin supports Yoast SEO ?

    • Yes, This plugin will add the “readingTime” attribute to the Schema of the post, improving it appearance in google search, you results. You can Disable this feature via the plugin settings.


Pročitajte 1 recenziju

Suradnici i Programeri

“Arabic & English Estimated Reading Time” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


Dnevnik promjena


  • Bug Fixes, and added diagnostics data handler.


  • Initial release