Archive Page
Make archive page easily with full customize and in all languages of the world.
The Features
- Make Archive Page easily in minutes.
- 8 Shortcodes only.
- Full Customize.
- All languages of the world.
Demonstracija Uživo
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- Upload ‘archive-page’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Aktiviranje dodatka kroz izbornik ‘Dodaci’ u WordPressu.
- Go to Plugins menu > Archive Page.
- [obi_daily_archive] // shortcode to display daily archive, default number is no limited.
- [obi_monthly_archive] // shortcode to display monthly archive, default number is no limited.
- [obi_yearly_archive] // shortcode to display yearly archive, default number is no limited.
- [obi_latest_posts] // shortcode to display latest posts, default number is 10 posts.
- [obi_get_cats] // shortcode to display categories, default number is no limited.
- [obi_get_tags] // shortcode to display tags, default number is 10 tags.
- [obi_get_pages] // shortcode to display pages list, default number is no limited.
- [obi_get_authors] // shortcode to display authors list, default number is no limited.
Shortcodes Attributes
- number=”” (number of list, example: number=”3″ will be display 3 latest posts or 3 tags, etc).
- heading=”” (heading of title, example: heading=”h1″ default is h3).
- list=”” (list type, example: list=”ol” default is ul).
- title=”” (title of list, example: title=”Recent Posts” enter title using your language).
Default Usage
Custom Usage
[obi_daily_archive number="7" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Archive By Day"]
[obi_monthly_archive number="12" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Archive By Month"]
[obi_yearly_archive number="10" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Archive By Year"]
[obi_latest_posts number="5" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Recent Posts"]
[obi_get_cats number="6" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Our Categories"]
[obi_get_tags number="8" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Tags List"]
[obi_get_pages number="9" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Our Pages"]
[obi_get_authors number="15" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Our Authors"]
- Installation Instructions
- Upload ‘archive-page’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Aktiviranje dodatka kroz izbornik ‘Dodaci’ u WordPressu.
- Go to Plugins menu > Archive Page.
- [obi_daily_archive] // shortcode to display daily archive, default number is no limited.
- [obi_monthly_archive] // shortcode to display monthly archive, default number is no limited.
- [obi_yearly_archive] // shortcode to display yearly archive, default number is no limited.
- [obi_latest_posts] // shortcode to display latest posts, default number is 10 posts.
- [obi_get_cats] // shortcode to display categories, default number is no limited.
- [obi_get_tags] // shortcode to display tags, default number is 10 tags.
- [obi_get_pages] // shortcode to display pages list, default number is no limited.
- [obi_get_authors] // shortcode to display authors list, default number is no limited.
Shortcodes Attributes
- number=”” (number of list, example: number=”3″ will be display 3 latest posts or 3 tags, etc).
- heading=”” (heading of title, example: heading=”h1″ default is h3).
- list=”” (list type, example: list=”ol” default is ul).
- title=”” (title of list, example: title=”Recent Posts” enter title using your language).
Default Usage
[obi_daily_archive] [obi_monthly_archive] [obi_yearly_archive] [obi_latest_posts] [obi_get_cats] [obi_get_tags] [obi_get_pages] [obi_get_authors]
Custom Usage
[obi_daily_archive number="7" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Archive By Day"] [obi_monthly_archive number="12" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Archive By Month"] [obi_yearly_archive number="10" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Archive By Year"] [obi_latest_posts number="5" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Recent Posts"] [obi_get_cats number="6" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Our Categories"] [obi_get_tags number="8" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Tags List"] [obi_get_pages number="9" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Our Pages"] [obi_get_authors number="15" heading="h5" list="ol" title="Our Authors"]
23. siječnja 2019.
good job
17. rujna 2017.
I am sure that I’m not the only person with a sidebar that goes on for ever with the search box, recent posts, archive, categories, and so on. I wanted to keep the Archive information, but I didn’t want to force everybody to read through it to get to the categories. This plugin puts that same information on a page or a post. In my case I chose to send the information to a page. Then put Archive on my navigation bar. That way only the people who wanted it in that format would could click on the link. I don’t think the description clearly states its power. Not only will it put the Archives on a separate page or post, it will put them by day, month, or year, as well recent posts, categories, tags list, pages, and authors. You can use them all on a single page or break them down separately. It is simple to use and set up. I recommend visiting the authors site and using his sample code, as a starting point.
03. rujna 2016.
1 odgovor
Works pretty good. will be great if the future version of plugin provides for drop down for Tags/ categories..
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“Archive Page” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
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Dnevnik promjena
- Fixing header problem “Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by…”.
- First Version.