Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Otvoreni Konverter Valuta


🚀 If you have a wish to convert currencies “on the fly” within the text of a post or page then this is the plugin for you! It’s free to download, free to use and advert free – if you think you have to pay for something you’re doing it wrong!

So, let’s say you run a UK based site and will refer to currencies in GBP. However, the majority of visitors are from the US, so you may have a wish to also show the dollar equivalent. Using this plugin you can do this without having to work out the conversion and then re-visit it in future to take into account conversion changes.

Ključne značajke uključuju…

  • Nije potrebno da sami ažurirate tečajeve – podaci se dohvaćaju API Otvorenog Izvora
  • Podržano više od 170 valuta
  • Kratki kod jednostavan za upotrebu za ugradnju direktno u Objave i Stranice
  • PHP funcija za one koji žele dodati značajke u svoju temu
  • Rezultati mogu biti smješteni u cache, smanjujući upotrebu resursa i poboljšavajući odziv
  • Predložak koji dozvoljava da kontrolirate kako se rezultati prikazuju
  • Administration screen allowing you to define defaults and to view current exchange rates
  • I mnogo, mnogo više!

👉 Please visit the Github page for the latest code development, planned enhancements and known issues 👈

Početak rada

🔑 Dobivanje ključa aplikacije

Open Currency Converter gets its data from the Open Exchange Rates website (which is not associated with this plugin nor the developer). This site requires an App Key to be specified for it to work. This is to prevent over-use of the exchange system and to provide premium features for users who wish to pay for them. Having a premium plan does not add any extra features to this plugin and is not a requirement.

To get your App Key…

  1. Sign up on the Open Exchange Rates site – this link will take you to the free option but the site does require personal information.
  2. You should now be at your account screen.
  3. Click on the “App IDs” option in the side menu.
  4. An App ID should be listed on the right hand side – copy this ID.
  5. Head back to the admin of your website and select the Settings -> Open Currency menu.
  6. Paste the App ID into the equivalent field at the top of the settings screen.
  7. Click the “Save Changes” button.

Using the Shortcode

Da bi ste dodali na vašu web-stranicu jednostavno koristitie kratki kod [convert]. Na primjer…

[convert number=49.99 from="gbp" to="usd"]

Ovo bi konvertovalo 49.99 GBP u USD.

⚠️ Odricanje od odgovornosti

Podaci o tečajevima se pružaju besplatno kroz Open Source Exchange Rates projekat. Tačnost i preciznost podataka nije zagarantovana i ne daje se nikakva garancija na njih.

🖥 Zaslon s opcijama

Jednom kada je dodatak aktiviran dva nova upravljačka zaslona će biti prisutni.

  • Open Currency – Ovo se pojavljuje pod “Postavke” i dozvoljava vam da odredite zadane postavke za bilo koju konverzuju valuta
  • Tečajevi – se prikazuje pod izbornikom “Alati”, ovo prikazuje sve trenutne tečajeve uporedo sa popisom svih validnih kodova razmjene

Before using this plugin it is highly recommended that you review the Options screen and change any values, as appropriate. You will also need to sign up for and enter an App Key before conversions will work.

🗜 Upotreba shotcode-a

The shortcode of ‘[convert]’ has the following parameters that you may specify…

  • number – Broj koji želite pretvoriti iz jedne valute u drugu. Ovo je obavezno
  • from – The currency code that you wish to convert from (see the admin options for a list of valid codes). If you do not specify this value then the default from the options screen will be used
  • to – The currency code that you wish to convert to (see the admin options for a list of valid codes). If you do not specify this value then the default from the options screen will be used.
  • dp – How many decimal places the output should be. This should be numeric or the word “match”. The latter is the default and will mean that the output will match the number of decimal places that the number was.
  • template – Za više informacija pogledaj dio u nastavku, “Upotreba predložaka”

Primjeri upotrebe su…

[convert number=49.99 from="gbp" to="usd"]

This would convert 49.99 from UK pounds to US dollars and output the result to 2 decimal places.

[convert number=50 from="usd" to="gbp"]

This would convert 50 from US dollars to UK pounds and output the result without any decimal places.

If the conversion can’t be done then an appropriate error message will be output instead. If you wish to suppress these messages then you need to use a template (see the later section on this) – in this case no output will be generated in the case of an error.

🧩 Upotreba predložaka

The template option allows you to specify other information to be output along with the conversion result. None of the template will be output if any error occurs, including any error messages, allowing you to suppress any conversion text in the case of a problem.

Predložak teksta mora obuhvatati %result% na mjestu gdje želite izlazni prikaz.

Evo primjera…

The retail price is $49.99[convert number=50 from=“use” to=“gap” template=" (approx.%result%) GBP”].

Normalno, ovo bi prikazalo rezultat kao…

The retail price is $49.99 (approx. 79.11 GBP).

Ipak, u slučaju greške tad bi prikazalo rezultat kao…

The retail price is $49.99.

Možete također uvrstiti predložalk između otvaranja i zatvaranja oznaka kratkog koda. Na primjer…

The retail price is $49.99[convert number=50 from=“use” to=“gap”] (approx. %result% GBP)[/convert].<h3>Using the Function Call</h3>

If you wish to perform a currency conversion within your theme, rather than within a post or page, then you can use a PHP function call. The function name is get_conversion and will return the result back.

  • Svi parametri kratkog koda su validni, osim predloška koji nije potreban
  • The parameters are specified in any order and are separated with an ampersand
  • Ne biste trebali dodavati navodnike oko svake vrijednosti parametara, kao što to radite sa kratkim kodovima

Na primjer…

<?php echo get_conversion( 'number=49.99&from=gbp&to=usd' ); ?><h3>🌍 Global conversion variables</h3>

For the use of developers, 2 global variables have been added which, if assigned within your site code, will override the conversion codes.

The variables are global_convert_from and global_convert_to.

This is useful if, say, you have multiple versions of the site in different languages – you can then assign these global variables depending on which site is being viewed and all currency will be converted based upon these settings.

These will only override the options screen and not specific parameters specified with a shortcode or function call.

Snimke zaslona

  • Zaslon mogućnosti sa karticom Pomoć je otvoren
  • Zaslon tečaja (skraćena duljina)


Open Currency Converter can be found and installed via the Plugin menu within WordPress administration (Plugins -> Add New). Alternatively, it can be downloaded from and installed manually…

  1. Upload the entire artiss-currency-converter folder to your wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Aktivirajte dodatak kroz Izbornik dodataka u WordPress upravljačkoj konzoli

Voila! Spremno je.


30. siječnja 2020.
Not bloated and to the point. A developers dream! Thanks for your contribution to the Wordpress ecosystem.
17. studenoga 2018.
It may not be rich in features, but it’s a clean and straightforward plugin that is very flexible. I could finally add the type of currency conversion that I wanted. My values are stored in shortcodes (the shortcoder plugin). Now, I have a second shortcode to display the normal value in Euros, and then create a tooltip with converted values in six other currencies. Well done David!
16. srpnja 2018.
Just what I hoped it would be. And free!
Pročitajte svih 18 recenzija

Suradnici i Programeri

“Otvoreni Konverter Valuta” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


“Otvoreni Konverter Valuta” je preveden na 1 jezik. Zahvala prevoditeljima za njihov doprinos.

Prevedite “Otvoreni Konverter Valuta” na svoj jezik.

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Dnevnik promjena

I use semantic versioning, with the first release being 1.0.


  • Maintenance: Added deploy script and bumping version number.


  • Maintenance: The plugin has been adopted, so the adoption and shut-down notices have been removed, as well as various plugin meta updated for the new owner


  • Maintenance: Added notices about the plugin closure


  • Bug: Fixed a bug where an empty array wasn’t recognised as such, causing cascading errors


  • Enhancement: Improved the help on both admin screens
  • Maintenance: Added donation links back in
  • Maintenance: Added in some missing flags
  • Maintenance: Improved the README instructions, based on feedback
  • Maintenance: Added Github links to plugin meta
  • Bug: Fixed Use of undefined constant global_convert_from PHP warning


  • Održavanje: Uklonjeni linkovi za Donaciju


  • Enhancement: The shortcode is now loaded at all times, as loading only outside of admin didn’t add any performance improvement
  • Maintenance: Updated this README to better reflect the new plugin directory format
  • Održavanje: Ispravljeni linkovi prema
  • Maintenance: This plugin now requires a minimum WordPress level of 4.6, so changes were made to accommodate that, including the removal of various language features
  • Održavanje: Dodano nekoliko zastavica zemalja koje su prije nedostajale


  • Maintenance: Updated API URL, including new SSL addresses


  • Maintenance: Updated branding, inc. adding donation links


  • Enhancement: Validated, sanitized and escaped the user data being sloshed around the admin screens
  • Enhancement: Modified some INCLUDES so that the plugin folder wasn’t hardcoded. Also replaced the deprecated WP_PLUGIN_URL with plugins_url
  • Enhancement: When the API key hasn’t yet been specified, the prompt will appear when in the settings screen as well
  • Maintenance: Updated branding, including removal of donation links
  • Održavanje: Uklonjeni occ- prefiksi iz naziva datoteka
  • Maintenance: Modified administration screens so that they use the same coding standard as the core screens
  • Greška: Popravljene određene poveznice koje nisu bile tačne
  • Greška: Riješene neke PHP greške
  • Greška: Ispravljen problem unutar zadanih opcija prilikom migracije sa ranije inačice dodatka.


  • Maintenance: Added a text domain and domain path, as well as correcting the domain name.


  • Poboljšanje: Dodane nove lepršave zastavice za različite valute
  • Enhancement: Now handles commas in your provided currency amount. It even adds them in the result. Nice.
  • Održavanje: Novo ime i manje reklama. Takvi smo lijepi.
  • Održavanje: Uklonili smo dedukovani administratorski izbornik, jer, nije ni bio potreban. Premjestili smo opcije dodatka u opće Administratorske opcije, a Tečajeve u Alate.
  • Maintenance: Added support for WordPress 4.3 admin menu changes.
  • Održavanje: Prepisali smo README i opcije na zaslonu kako bi bile jasnije i oš važnije, kako bi korisnici shvatili da mogu dobiti API podatke BESPLATNO!
  • Greška: Bili smo u lovu na PHP grešle… mi se ne plašimo… tražili smo i našli one velike… POPRAVLJENO!


  • Poboljšanje: Dodana poruka u administratorskom zaslonu ako ključ aplikacije nije postavljen
  • Održavanje: Ažuriran kod mehanizma reklamiranja na posljednju inačicu
  • Maintenance: Updated README Parser function name
  • Greška: Ispravljena odobrenja korisnika


  • Bug: Error on activation when installed alongside certain other plugins which share a particular function


  • Unapređenje: Ikone zastave zemalja, kada je to prikladno, se od sada prikazuju na zasloni tečajeva.
  • Poboljšanje: Dodane globalne varijable za premoštenje (verride) zadanih valuta
  • Poboljšanje: Konveruija u zaslonu tečajeva sada prikazuje rezultate kao 2DP
  • Maintenance: Advertisements now appear in the options screens, but implemented option to switch off if donated
  • Održavanje: Implementirani novi uvjeti za ključ aplikacije
  • Maintenance: Put in place minimum values for caching – no longer able to switch off
  • Greška: Popravljena internacionalizacija, uključujući zaslone tečajeva koji nisu bili prevođeni


  • Fixed bug where currency output that contained a thousand separator was being interpreted as an error message!


  • Prvo izdanje