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Backordered Custom Description


The Backordered Custom Description plugin lets you add a custom message for the products whose stock status is set to BACKORDER. It is extremely easy to use and highly effective. Simply activate the plugin, and the Backorder link will appear on the left admin menu of WordPress. The plugin page will show the list of all the products that have the status of BACKORDER. In addition to that, a custom description field will appear under the INVENTORY section of the product page.

Snimke zaslona


15. listopada 2023.
Easy install. Every backorder product now has an own Textfield. Changing the text must be done for every product on backorder. I expected to configure a standard Message for all products.
16. studenoga 2022. 1 odgovor
[edit: from five to one star as the plugin crashed all “in-stock” products] I looked around a little and most of the content out there is selling Plugins with advanced reporting I am not interested in. I just want to manage customer expectations by communicating the lead times for products that are available on backorder (about 4% of our inventory). This plugin allows for individual messaging which is perfect as the lead time per product is going to differ for sure.
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