Blur Text


Use the shortcode [blur][/blur] to blur text.

For example:
[blur]This text will be blurred[/blur]

Optionally, you can set the blur to be removed when the user clicks or hovers on it.

Here are the shortcode examples for that:

[blur toggle=click]This text will be blurred until it’s clicked on[/blur]

[blur toggle=hover]This text will be blurred until it’s hovered over[/blur]

Be default, the blurred text color will be black. You can specify a different color like this:

[blur color=orange]This text will be orange, even when blurred.[/blur]

[blur color=#00FF00]This text will be green, even when blurred.[/blur]

Snimke zaslona

  • An example of blurred text.
  • An example of blackout text on unsupported browsers.


  1. Install the plugin in wp-content\plugins
  2. Activate the Plugin
  3. Use one of these shortcodes around your text:
    [blur toggle=click][/blur]
    [blur toggle=hover][/blur]


Can I have the blurred text revealed only to members, only after a form is submitted, or in some other context?

I may write a premium plugin that has these features. However, I need suggestions as to exactly what type of features I
should add. If you would like me to customize this plugin for you so that it shows the blurred text only in a
specific context, I may be able to program a custom plugin for you. Please contact me at


03. rujna 2016.
“Click” set default would be better, no toggle=click: [blur]This text will be blurred until it’s clicked on[/blur]
03. rujna 2016. 1 odgovor
I found it great and useful. Easy and flexible, I guess u can do a lot of things with it, its so open to the imagination. It could be so useful in education to help etudents to improve their leaning and understanding skills. I will use it in deep to make learning exercices, quizes and so at my high schoool and Maybe the chance to “no more see” the text after the user see it one time could be an useful addon… Realy thank you so much.
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Dnevnik promjena

2.0.0: December 2024

  • Security Release
  • Compatibility with WordPress 6.7.1
  • Remove support for IE.
  • Remove fallback for unsupported browsers because all browsers now support text-shadow.
  • Remove mailing list subscription prompt.

1.0.0: September 2015

  • First official release!