BW Slideshow support many params to control your slideshow. It show post’s image with title and description. Title and description appear with nice effect, they slide from left and right or appear on center. It has buttons next and preview, it support paging that you can change slide by paging or buttons.
=> Features BW Slideshow widget <=
- Source Config
- Category ID: Select category you want.
- Orderby: use for get post order by Name, Author, Date, Title, Modified, Parent, Id, Rand and Comment count.
- Order: ASC or DES.
- Number of Posts: Number of post you want to show.
- Excerpt length (in words): Length for description.
- Effects Config
- Theme: Support 2 themes – theme1 and theme2
- Timeout: Time for between slide (seconds)
- Visible: number items will show first
- Effect: support fade, fadeout, ScrollHorz, Carouse
- Starting Slide: Item you want show first
- Pause on Hover: Yes or No
- Responsive: Yes or No
- Swipe: For Touch device
- Random: Show random items
- Show readmore: Show readmore button or not
- Show Paging: Show paging or not
- Show Desc: Show description or not
- readmore_label: Label for readmore button
Snimke zaslona
First download this widget
Then Upload to install it in you admin layout => Active widget.
Go to Widget manage page and publish it.
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