

Simple cab Booking for WordPress. Our plugin allow professional drivers and taxi drivers to get bookings by email. The plugin takes all customer details and draw their itinerary on google maps, all you need is a Google maps API key.

Set up

Go to the cabpress menu, change the settings, add your currency, your email, you city of work and your Google map API key if you want to display a map and show itineraries to your customers. Create cars as many cars that you want, allocate a price per km to a car, enter the details of a the car.
Use the shortcode given on th setting page to display your form, or use the cabpress block in the gutenberg block list.

Get google map

You must enter your google map API key in the designated field in the setting menu to display a map.
Getting the Google map API key is largely documented on the internet.

Go to this google cloud URL you must have a google account, and be connected. Click on the + create credentials button on the menu, and click on API keys on the list of items. Enter the required infos, and your API key is created. Copy and paste the key to your back office in worpress, in the designated field in the cabpress plugin.

For service terms and private policy please refer to thoses links:

Free features

  • choose your city for the map
  • choose your price per km
  • add as many cars that you want with a description and bookign price
    _ quick google maps set up, only API KEY needed
  • shortcode to display your booking form
  • gutenberg block available named cabpress
  • receive email notification on booking

Pro features

  • pay button to display credit card form
  • accept Stripe payment
  • easy Stripe Installation

Available on our website or by email to

Snimke zaslona


Ovaj dodatak omogućava 1 blok.

  • Js Block


Like any wordpress plugin download the zip package from your wordpress back-office. Once installed, activate the plugin.


Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.

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