Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

KENT CamCall


KENT CamCall is world’s 1st Video-based Platform for Inbound Calls to enable winning Sales Calls & world-class Customer Support. KENT CamCall is an app-less system, which does not require any software installation in customer’s phone or agent’s desktop.
Key Features of KENT CamCall:
• App-less Ecosystem
• Meeting Invitation not required.
• Video Call Routing – KENT CamCall ensures that the inbound customer call is smartly placed in the queue and routed to the right agent in no time
• By a simple QR code scan or accessing the links, the customers get to connect with the agent in a matter of seconds
• Widgets on websites.
CamCall provides Next-Gen Features like Video Calling, Screen Sharing for Agents, Supervisor Monitoring, Smart Call Distribution Logic, 3rd Party Integrations, Analytics & Dashboards, Extensive Reports, Video Call Recordings, Industry Standard Encryption and Low Bandwidth Requirement.

For backwards compatibility, if this section is missing, the full length of the short description will be used, and
Markdown parsed.

A few notes about the sections above:

  • “Contributors” is a comma separated list of usernames
  • “Tags” is a comma separated list of tags that apply to the plugin
  • “Requires at least” is the lowest version that the plugin will work on
  • “Tested up to” is the highest version that you’ve successfully used to test the plugin. Note that it might work on
    higher versions… this is just the highest one you’ve verified.
  • Stable tag should indicate the Subversion “tag” of the latest stable version, or “trunk,” if you use /trunk/ for

    Note that the readme.txt of the stable tag is the one that is considered the defining one for the plugin, so
    if the /trunk/readme.txt file says that the stable tag is 4.3, then it is /tags/4.3/readme.txt that’ll be used
    for displaying information about the plugin. In this situation, the only thing considered from the trunk readme.txt
    is the stable tag pointer. Thus, if you develop in trunk, you can update the trunk readme.txt to reflect changes in
    your in-development version, without having that information incorrectly disclosed about the current stable version
    that lacks those changes — as long as the trunk’s readme.txt points to the correct stable tag.

    If no stable tag is provided, it is assumed that trunk is stable, but you should specify “trunk” if that’s where
    you put the stable version, in order to eliminate any doubt.

A brief Markdown Example

Ordered list:

  1. This Plugin is helpful for redirecting one website to another.
  2. you can add your link from admin panel.
  3. you can select the color of your widget as per your convenience.

Here’s a link to WordPress and one to Markdown’s Syntax Documentation.
Titles are optional, naturally.

Markdown uses email style notation for blockquotes and I’ve been told:

Asterisks for emphasis. Double it up for strong.

<?php code(); // goes in backticks ?>


How to add link?

You can add video/chat link from admin panel.

How to change image color?

goto admin panel and select desired color and tap on generate widget.

what is short code of plugin?

do_shortcode( ‘[camCall_app]’ ) .


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Suradnici i Programeri

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Dnevnik promjena


  • Inital Release.