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Contact Form 7 Honeypot Plus


This is a highly powerful contact form 7 anti-spam add-on. It is introducing a new hidden field and check that one value is correct or not.

Features of Contact Form 7 Honeypot Plus

  • No configuration is needed
  • Better anti-spam functionality
  • No need any ugly captcha.


  1. Download and extract plugin files to a wp-content/plugin directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.
  3. Done !


Will this module stop all my contact form spam?

  • Probably not. But it should reduce it to a level whereby you don’t require any additional spam challenges (CAPTCHA, math questions, etc.).

Are honeypots better than CAPTCHAs?

  • This largely depends on the quality of the CAPTCHA. Unfortunately the more difficult a CAPTCHA is to break, the more unfriendly it is to the end user. This honeypot module was created because we don’t like CAPTCHAs cluttering up our forms. Our recommendation is to try this module first, and if you find that it doesn’t stop enough spam, then employ more challenging anti-spam techniques.


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