Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Clear Floats Button


This plugin adds 1 button to TinyMCE to clear floating elements. It also adds divs to valid tags so they won’t be deleted if empty.

Originally by Miguel Ibero.

Snimke zaslona

  • Plugin in action


  1. Download.
  2. Unzip.
  3. Upload to the plugins directory (wp-content/plugins).
  4. Activate the plugin.


Why do you need to clear the floats?

Well, sometimes you want to add two floating images but don’t want them to overlap. Or you want to add an image floated to the left and text on the right, and then add a new block. You can add a clear in
the middle to achieve the desired effect.

Where do I get support?

Ask your question in the Support Forums. Please note that due to restricted time availability we’re not actively answering questions, unless a real bug is reported. See: “What should I try before reporting a bug” section.

What should I try before reporting a bug?

  1. Disable all your plugins except “Custom Post Type Maker”.
  2. See if the plugin behaves normally with the default WordPress theme.
  3. Try to run the plugin on a clean WordPress install.

If all of this fails, see: “How should I report bugs?” section.

How should I report bugs?

Please report your bug on GitHub. Issues will not be handled elsewhere.

Make sure you attach to the report:
1. Your WordPress version
2. Your plugin version
3. Screenshots
4. Steps to reproduce the problem
5. Anything else you think would be useful to pinpoint the problem

How do I request a feature?

We’re supporting this plugin but not actively developing it. If you’re interested to contribute you can submit a PR on GitHub.

How do I get the plugin in my own language?

You’ll have to do it yourself. Help translate this plugin.


13. veljače 2021. 1 odgovor
Simple and elegant. I needed a fool-proof solution for non-tech clients who like to float text around images. This is exactly what I needed. Thanks!
05. studenoga 2016. 1 odgovor
This plugin I’ve missed for about 10 years. Finally I found it by chance. I am totally happy with it. It helps so much organizing and designing longer texts with pictues. It should be included in TinyMCE. Thank you!
03. rujna 2016. 1 odgovor
This is one of those ‘why is there a plugin for this’ type plugin. As in this should already be available in the TinyMCE editor by default. A must have plugin for WYSIWYG editors, thanks very much for this easy to install and use plugin 🙂
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Dnevnik promjena


  • Compatibility with current WP version.


  • Compatibility with future WP version.


  • Update assets.


  • Compatibility with future WP version.


  • Remove unneeded translation strings. Fixes Issue #12
  • Compatibility with future WP version.


  • OOP rewrite by @jaredyork


  • Compatibility with future WP version.


  • Compatibility with future WP version.


  • Fix for undefined variable.


  • Cleanup & improved documentation. Added translation tags.



  • Editor not loading due to SVN processing error. Bumping version & correcting documentation. Sorry for that! Fixes Issue #8, Issue #9


  • Changed to inline styling. Fixes Issue #7, Issue #5
  • Uses br instead of div. Fixes Issue #6
  • New icon to better represent clearing of floats.
  • Minified assets for performance.
  • Add ‘ctrl + option/alt + f’ shortcut
  • Removed deprecated functions
  • Updated assets, icons, background, screenshot


  • Compatibility with future version of WP


  • This ensures that such themes will not make the divider appear
    taller than intended.Issue #3


  • Compatibility with future version of WP


  • Fixed miss interpretation of TinyMCE api regarding custom_elements. This prevented the plugin from working in IE Issue #3


  • Compatibility with future version of WP


  • Fixed stripping of IDs on DIVs – Extended valid elements fix for cases in which extended elements are not defined Issue #1


  • Fixes not loading CSS when user is not logged-in Issue #2


  • Updated assets for WP Plugin Directory (2)


  • Updated assets for WP Plugin Directory


  • Fixed stripping of IDs on DIVs Issue #1


  • Created new version from stale plugin
  • Revamped graphic assets
  • Removed clear:left and clear:right buttons
  • Changed plugin so we don’t have inline styles.