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ClimateClick: Climate Action for all


Empower your customers to join your fight against climate change by allowing them to Fund Climate Action.

Climate Click is our ecommerce plugin and software solution that gives your customers a simple and effective way to play their part – turning every purchase into positive climate action, and helping you hit your sales and climate KPIs. At South Pole we’re on a mission to bring climate action to everyone on the planet and accelerate the shift to a low carbon world. Our scalable ecommerce solution brings climate action to every business – whatever your size or sector. Climate Click has been assisting online stores in compensating for their carbon emissions and boosting conversion rates since 2017. Join the growing community of sustainable-minded businesses and empower your customers to engage in conscious consumption.

How Can Climate Click Help You?

Flight climate change within minutes
Our ‘plug and play’ is set up in minutes and can be rolled out to all major ecommerce platforms. Climate Click also has fully bespoke options with seamless IT integration, a user-friendly UX and branded interface design. Our digital solution gives you the option to integrate emissions calculation across all customer touch-points and digital channels.

Fund positive climate action with a click
With our user-friendly plugin, your customers can effortlessly compensate for the footprint of the emissions generated by the production and shipping of their purchases.

Increase conversion and engagement by positively positioning your brand’s climate initiatives
By showcasing your sustainability efforts, you can boost conversion rates and customer loyalty. Our marketing support enables you to effectively engage with your customers and promote your joint carbon compensation initiatives.

Unique integration of sustainability in your customer journey
Differentiate yourself with sustainability as your unique selling proposition by seamlessly integrating climate action into your customer journey. Customize the plugin and widgets to match your branding, and let our informative hover-over feature inform customers about your climate initiatives.

Support gold standard certified sustainability projects
We exclusively collaborate with our internal SouthPole carbon offset projects which are highest quality. This ensures genuine sustainability impact that is transparent and reliable. Our impact calculator provides visibility into the cumulative offset achieved so far.

Small price, big impact
Our basic service is completely free of charge. Your customers will only pay a small fee for the compensation, typically around 1-2% of their order value. This ensures affordability while making a substantial environmental impact.

Go sustainability! Join us in the fight against climate change!

For further information, please visit our website

We welcome your feedback, questions, or any issues you encounter. Contact us at ( or utilize the support section.

South Pole Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

Snimke zaslona

  • Climate Click will add a checkout button

  • Climate click offers a dashboards for insights

  • Climate Click will continue to add multiple features


Installing our extension takes just a few minutes, for customers, using it is just one click. Nothing about the ordering-process changes. You won’t lose customers by any tedious procedures. If you bump into a problem with the extension, we’re always available through mail, whatsapp or by phone.

This plugin can be installed via:
* Automatic Plugin Installation
* Manual Plugin Installation

Once installed activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


What changes for my customers?

Besides the option that the CO2 compensation button provides, nothing changes. Your customers aren’t troubled with registration or added steps – they just check out as always, regardless of whether they opted for CO2 compensation or not.

Privacy considerations

We gather as little data as possible, specifically:
– the WordPress admin email address, for sending invoices
– limited information about transactions with CO2 compensation selected (orderid, order total and compensation amount)


21. prosinca 2020. 1 odgovor
After some testing, I have the impression that it is just a fix percentage of the total basket added. There seems to be neither an option to set an individual values for emission for certain products or categories, nor is there any transparency where the values come from. It is therefore just a fancy checkout option for CO2 certificates with a 25% surcharge. Useless for me, why are the other reviews so positive?
21. listopada 2020.
Mooi initiatief om met elkaar een bijdrage te leveren aan CO2 reductie. Naast de samenwerking met onze klanten om bomen te planten via Trees for All, biedt het aanbod van Co2OK ons de mogelijkheid om verzending en productie van de producten in onze webshop te compenseren met onze klanten.De plugin is heel makkelijk in gebruik.
31. svibnja 2020.
Our company has sustainability in our DNA. We love that CO2ok is offering services/great features to make more impact and to show that we care about our planet. We love the idea and we get great reactions from our customers. Milo helpt us with the installation and design. Keep up the good work guys.
30. listopada 2019.
Sustainability is at the core of our company. We do a lot to lower our footprint. We also like giving customers the opportunity to do more. They have made it simple to show the results on your site. The services were installed within 5 minutes and now no maintancende or effort is needed. The results of the A/B gave us wonderful (positive) insights.
30. listopada 2019.
We have been using the CO2 plugin for almost a year now, and are very satisfied. Customers only tick one box when paying for their order, and the CO2 emissions will be compensated for them. About 60% of our customers choose this option during checkout. It is a service we want to offer, as we sell sustainable/low waste/zero waste products in the webshop. Customers think extra about their purchase, and buy it consciously. The mission of CO₂ok is 100% in line with our mission, to create a more sustainable and cleaner world! Twice a year I receive an invoice for the CO2 compensation of all orders done with the plugin. So I hardly have any extra work! 🙂
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Dnevnik promjena

= 2.0.9
* Fixes cart update for multiple items. Introduces new hover showcasing projects.

= 2.0.8
* Fixes ocasional bug on the checkout page.

= 2.0.7
* Improving implementation.

= 2.0.6
* Style updates, fixes conflict with woocommerce theme.

= 2.0.5
* Style updates.

= 2.0.4
* New ClimateClick branding

* Updates Freemius SDK to 2.4.3

* Adds defense against localisation plugins interfering with compensation accounting
* Switches impact calcation to use API

* Correct incorrect button placement for some shops.

* Fixes a javascript error that was breaking the plugin for some shops.

* Re-establishes the correct version numbers.

* Fixes breaking bug.

* Fixes breaking bug.

* Adds customer specific changes.

* Adds customer specific changes.

* Fixes cart update repositioning.

* Fixes cart update repositioning.

* Include an offset based on element and body Rect.

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor positioning fix

* Minor CSS fixes
* Updates plugin store text

* Minor CSS fixes
* Minor hovercard and text fixes

* Adds Bewust Bezorgd feature (contact us if you want to use this)
* Adds projects to hovercard
* optimize file loading to minimize bandwidth usage

* Improves button design compatiblity

* Improves button design compatiblity

* Improves button design compatiblity
* Improves ₂ rendering in some shops

* Improves minimal button design compatiblity

* Some more css compatiblity

* Adds new info-hover to minimal button design
* Improves new info-hover css compatiblity

* Improves new info-hover css compatiblity

* Adds Climate Friendly Products feature!
* Adds new info-hover for default design (let us know what you think!)

* Increases CSS compatiblity of button
* Adds support for large numbers or currency symbols

* Fixes A/B bug
* Fixes bug with widget loading

* Improves A/B code to have even lower perf/caching impact
* Fixes some styling issues
* loads widgets asynchronously for better performance

* Fixes widgetmark bug

* Adds way to deal with shops rerendering on cart update

* Changes wording from climate neutral to climate friendly

* Improves A/B result calculation, fixes timeout

* Makes A/B reporting on settings page conditional

* Adds A/B reporting to settings page
* Updates plugin store page text

* fixes PHP notice with PHP 7.4
* Updates plugin store page text
* Improves compatiblity with combined cart+checkout pages

* Updates tested with status

* fixes minor CSS issue

* Fixes some UX and styling issues with minimal design and info-hover

* Improves compatiblity with multi site installations
* Switches widgets to retrieve impact data with shortcode

* Fixes minor JS issue in some custom checkouts
* Fixes minor CSS issue in some themes

* Optimizes widget impact data loading
* Fixes minor CSS issue with minimal design

* Fixes minor CSS issue

* Fixes a rounding issue

* Improves refund handling

* Fixes bug with wc_get_orders and A/B research

* Improves A/B research code
* Improves social&impact proof feature

* Fixes bug JS code

* Fixes bug with A/B test code in some scenarios
* Adds social&impact proof to minimal design compensate button
* Adds clarifying sentence to social&impact proof
* fixes bug with minimal design in some checkouts

* Adds XL widgets!
* Adds social&impact proof to compensate button
* Corrects bug with some transactions not being stored

* Adjusts surcharge percentage calculation

* Fixes bug with A/B test functionality on some stores

* Adds A/B test functionality
* Adds widgetmark to the footer by default (can be disabled on settings page)
* Tested in latest WP/WC versions

* Fixes JS issue with some WP optimizing plugins

* Fixes css issue for info-hovercard in some shops

* Fixes issue with some checkouts

* Fixes rounding error

* Adds support for a3 lazy loader
* Adds support for custom ClimateClick tax class for shops that need it

* Adds widget-mark shortcode ([ClimateClick_widgetmark]), dark launch
* Expands WP plugin dir tags
* Corrects ToS link

* Changes estimated percentage to 2%

* Removes buggy checkout placement option, adds better one (Before Order Review)

* Actually squashes last CSS bug

* Another CSS bug squashed

* Fixes CSS bug
* Tells Jetpack not to lazy-load our logo
* Corrects decimal separator for non-comma-using currencies

* Fixes shopping cart page fee adding bug
* Increases support for plugins that aggressively optimize loading (and thus delay jQuery)

* Adds setting to disable gifs, adds some gifs

* Fixed small layout issue

* Reduced size of default button design
* Increased reliability of transaction storing

* Fixes conflict with plugin
* Tested in latest WP/WC versions
* Disables some gifs (let us know what you think! Suggestions welcome)

* Adds German translation
* Tested in latest WP/WC versions

* fixes CSS issue on checkout page in some shops
* corrects VAT message
* adds support for large compensation amounts

* Fixes bugs with the awesome gifs

* Adds awesome gifs!
* Fixes bug with accessibility

* Adds checkout-page placement feature
* The button is now keyboard selectable and readable for screenreaders

* fixes bugs with hoverbox and adaptive text colour

* Only scroll for hoverbox on mobile
* Fixes VAT being applied twice on cart page

* Hotfix to fix JS compatiblity with some themes

* Adds opt-out feature (please let us know what you think!)
* Fixes compatiblity with IE/Edge
* Fixes compatiblity with some themes/WC versions
* Improves UX for hoverbox
* Minor design tweaks

* Minor cart page bugfix

* Adds support for obscure WooCommerce cart pages
* Fixes bug with minimal design

* Fixes some CSS issues
* Adds explanatory sentence to the minimal button design

* Adds minimal design option for our button
* Updates Freemius SDK for GDPR compliance
* Fixes bugs with non-updating amount on button
* Includes Roboto font via httpS (thanks Linda!)
* Minor fixes

* Reverts JS implementation to more compatible one
* Fixes minor CSS issues
* Implements optional Freemius analytics
* Fixes some transactions not being stored in the ClimateClick backend
* Improves settings page

* Fixes info-hover’s invisibility in some webshops
* Fixes button clickability and functionality in certain webshops
* Minor layout/rendering improvements

* Fixes security issue

* New design, even fresher now
* Corrected VAT calculation
* Made error handling more robust
* Fixed button on cart page (broken by WC 3.3)
* Expanded TDD test coverage
* Implemented remote logging (currently disabled – we need to discuss this with the WP plugin team first)

* Reverts to previous release

* Fresh new design
* clearer communication of the function (make climate neutral instead of build a better future)
* implemented settings screen for future button layout selection and opt-in for helping us improve our product
* bugs be gone

  • Hello world! Now in English as well as in Dutch – other languages will follow
  • Added support for every currency that Woocommerce supports
  • More resiliant against aggressive designs
  • Now even prettier in FireFox

  • Improved button design, fixed some bugs


  • Initial release