Contact Form 7 Database Addon – CFDB7


The “CFDB7” plugin saves contact form 7 submissions to your WordPress database. Export the data to a CSV file.
By simply installing the plugin, it will automatically begin to capture form submissions from contact form 7.

Features of CFDB 7

  • No configuration is needed
  • Save Contact Form 7 form submitted data to the database.
  • Single database table for all contact form 7 forms
  • Easy to use and lightweight plugin
  • Developer friendly & easy to customize
  • Display all created contact form 7 form list.
  • Export CF7 DB (CF7 Database – cf7db) data in CSV file

Form Email Testing Tool


Pro Addons

Support :
Extensions : Contact form 7 more Add-ons

Snimke zaslona

  • Admin


  1. Download and extract plugin files to a wp-content/plugin directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.
  3. Done!


1. How do you change the CSV delimiter to a semicolon?

To change the CSV delimiter to a semicolon, add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter('cfdb7_csv_delimiter', function( $delimiter ){
return ';';


05. veljače 2025.
What a great solution for saving forms in CSV format. At first I was really worried about this task as I don’t know PHP very well and thought it would be a real problem, but I found your plugin and it really saved me. Thank you very much!
03. veljače 2025.
They not only helped but there’s a plugin they created to help decipher the issue. Big Thanks!!!
25. siječnja 2025.
Very customizable contact forms. Might take a little time to understand all the options but well worth it. Now used several times on our sites. Thanks!
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Fixed csv header issues


Changed csv delimiter to comma with filter


Changed csv delimiter to semicolon


Extra protection for files

Added cfdb7_admin_subpage_columns hook