Corner Bracket Lover converts all curly quotation marks (“” and ‘’) in your posts to traditional corner brackets (「」 and 『』). A must-have plugin if you’re a Chinese writer or just a corner brackets lover. This plugin also works fine with multisite enabled WordPress (aka. WordPress Mu).
More information please visit my site.
Ovaj odlomak opisuje kako instalirati dodatak i i kako ga natjerati da radi.
- Nakon raspakiravanja datoteke prebaci u
mapu - In ‘Plugins’ page, choose ‘Activate’
Multisite enabled WordPress:
- Nakon raspakiravanja datoteke prebaci u
mapu - Ulogiravši se kao administrator stranica (‘Site Admin’ mode), idi na stranicu ‘Dodaci’, odaberi ‘Network Activate’ (‘Mrežno aktiviranje’)
- Za Vašu informaciju, ovaj dodatak možete aktivirati zasebno za različite stranice.
Old-styled WordPress Mu:
- Raspakiravane datoteke prebacite u
mapu - To je sve.
Suradnici i Programeri
“Corner Bracket Lover” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
Suradnici“Corner Bracket Lover” je preveden na 1 jezik. Zahvala prevoditeljima za njihov doprinos.
Prevedite “Corner Bracket Lover” na svoj jezik.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- Compatibility check for 5.8, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 5.8, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 5.0, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 4.6 and 4.7, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 4.5, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 4.4, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 4.3, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Update option page
- Update author URLs
- Compatibility check for 4.2.2, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 4.0 and 4.1 alpha, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Compatibility check for 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 alpha, nothing new, just bump version to tell everyone this plugin still works.
- Avoid converting some English contractions. Compatibility check for 3.6
- Update donate link, If you like this plugin, please consider buying me a cup of coffee.
- Update donate link, If you like this plugin, please consider buying me a cup of coffee.
- Major update. Add options page, now you can choose which kind of text the plugin can replace.
- Update plugin description and page design on sparanoid.com, check it out: https://sparanoid.com/work/corner-bracket-lover/ props @lianghai
- Update description, props @lianghai
- Update readme
- Prvo izdanje