Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Country Blocker for AdSense


Country Blocker for AdSense provides a fast and effective way to block ads from specific countries in AdSense based on your preferences. With this tool, you can easily avoid displaying ads to certain countries and improve the performance of your AdSense account.

  • This plugin is extremely simple and easy to set up.
  • Block undesired countries from displaying ads on your website.
  • This plugin is lightweight, taking up less than 8Kbs of space compared to similar plugins that often take up hundreds of Kbs.


  1. You can:
    • Upload folder Country-Blocker-for-AdSense to directory /wp-content/plugins/ via FTP.
    • Upload zip archive via Plugins -> Add new -> Upload in the Administration WordPress Panel.
    • Search for Country Blocker for AdSense on the WordPress search Plugins -> Add new and clicking on Install button.
  2. To activate the plugin, navigate to the Plugins section in the WordPress Admin Panel and select the plugin to activate.
  3. Configure the plugin using the Settings section or by going to Settings -> Country Blocker for AdSense.
  4. Done, now you can enjoy it.


Can I use it with other AdSense Plugins?

At the moment you can’t use it with other plugins.

Can I use it for Manually Placed Ads?

No, at the moment is just available for AdSense Auto Ads.

How does using this plugin benefit you?

Sometimes, it may be necessary to block specific countries from displaying ads on your website. This plugin provides a quick and easy solution for doing just that. With its simple interface and intuitive controls, you can easily configure the plugin to block ads from the countries of your choice.


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Suradnici i Programeri

“Country Blocker for AdSense” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


Dnevnik promjena


  • Primera versión liberada