Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

eBot Matches Viewer


Salut à tous,
Grâce à ce plugin d’affichage de résultats de matchs Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO), vous n’avez plus besoin d’ajouter manuellement vos matchs CSGO dans vos panel d’admin de votre site web.
Vous avez juste à faire vos matchs sur vos serveur CSGO avec l’eBot et ce plugin récupère et affiche vos matchs sur votre site communautaire ou multi-gaming.
Simple et efficace.
Hi everybody,
With this plugin display results of Counter-Strike Global Offensive (CSGO) Matches, you no longer need to manually add your matches CSGO in the admin panel of your website.
You just have to make your games on your server with the CSGO EbOt and this plugin retrieves and displays your games on your community site or multi-gaming.
Simple and effective.

Snimke zaslona

  • Options Widget
  • Widget Client view


  1. Upload the ebot-matches-viewer folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Configure options

Options “A” : Your server Mysql eBot is different that website.

IP-ebot                  IP-web
 ebot                  serveur web
 ____                     ____
|    |    Connection     |    |
|    | <---------------> |    |
|____|  mysql distant    |____|

Step 1: Give power in phpmyadmin on Server eBot:
        SQL Command : 
            grant all privileges on *.* to user@IP-web identified by "password";   ===> //// user = (Exemple: ebotv3)  IP-web = (Exemple: is your website is from OVH.
            flush privileges;

Step 2: Connecting on dedicated server by SSH - Putty - :
        Command :
            nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
        And edit :  
            Remplace : bind-address =
            to : #bind-address =

            //comments french:
             Par défaut, MySQL n'écoute que localhost. . Il faudra désactiver la ligne (ajout de : '#') relative au bind-address dans le fichier de configuration mysql:
            # bind-address =
        Restart :
            /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Ready You can configure Widget for connect on database Distant.

Options “B” : eBot online ( In development. IP-web
ebot serveur web
____ ____
| | Connection | |
| | | |
|____| mysql distant |____|

Options “C” : Your server Mysql eBot and website are the same.

IP-ebot = IP-web
serveur web + ebot
| |
| |

Ready You can configure Widget for connect on database local with user and password (Exemple : user=ebotv3 password=ebotv3).

2.Configure Number of matches to display


Write at :


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* Mode Option “B” eBot Online working.


Display last number matches
* Initial Plugin Launch