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Frequently bought items


Frequently bought items
Indicates frequently purchased items by other users. Fully responsive. Simply add the shortcode to the single-product page.


It will be displayed directly on the single product page.


  1. Show frequently purchased items that you select using product edit.
  2. Ajax add to cart functionality.
  3. Redirects to the cart page after adding to cart.
  4. Multiple styles

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  1. Frequently Bought Items function properly. You simply need to select the product from the edit product page.
  2. If your store has just been launched, please wait for some orders.
  3. “Frequently Purchased Items” requires a WooCommerce store.

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“Frequently bought items” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


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Dnevnik promjena

= 1.0.1 – 10/22/2022
* Add ajax add to cart
* add redirect to cart page options

= 1.0.4 – 02/19/2022
* Solving some issues

= 1.0.5 – 03/01/2022
* Connected WooCommerce hook.
* 2 style integrated
* frontend issue solved