Front Page Scheduler let you choose some page to be shown as the front page of your site during a specific daily period, in specific week days. Since version 0.1.4, you can even create a set of “rules”, choosing specific front pages for different days and periods.
Update: Benjamin Benkert fixed some bugs related to PHP versions 7 and greaters. Thanks!
- Extract the contents of the archive
- Upload the contents of the front-page-scheduler folder to your ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder
- Log in to your WordPress admin and got to the ‘Plugins’ section. You should now see Front Page Scheduler in the list of available plugins
- Activate the plugin by clicking the ‘activate’ link
- Now go to the ‘Settings’ section and select ‘Reading’, where you can configure your alternate front page
Suradnici i Programeri
“Front Page Scheduler” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
Suradnici“Front Page Scheduler” je preveden na 2 jezika. Zahvala prevoditeljima za njihov doprinos.
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