GBS Product Catalog


GBS Product Catalog plugin is an easier plugin to showcase your products.


  1. Showcase of Products with price.
  2. Limit number of products per page.
  3. Currency option.
  4. Custom CSS option.
  5. Easy & straight forward installation.
  6. Separate post type for products.
  7. Easily customizable.
  8. Easy to use shortcode.

How to use

  1. First installed and active the plugin
  2. Set Options from Plugin Settings Menu
  3. Add products and categories from Dashboard > GBS Product.
  4. Include shortcode in your in any content. e.g. post, page, template

You can add your products catalog into any page, post or template with the following shortcode.

To use in post or page


To use in Template file

<?php echo do_shortcode('[gbscatalog]');?>

Recommeded Plugins:

The following are other recommended plugins by the author:

  • WP Ride Booking – WP Ride Booking Pro plugin is a woocommerce compatible which allows anyone to create online taxi, cab, bus, van, trucks or any vehicle booking website in a few moments.
  • WooTransport – WooTransport plugin is specially developed for transport and logistics websites. It is best fit for logistics, transportation, cargo, freight service providers.

If you want to customize the plugin according to your needs or have any other queries then feel free to contact us at

Donate us

If you liked our free plugins and want to help us maintain them and to create new free plugins then you may donate us at

Snimke zaslona

  • Displays settings available in the plugin.
  • Displays Products Showcase.
  • Displays Single Product Page.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Go to the Settings > GBS Product Catalog and make the appropriate settings you want.


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Dnevnik promjena


  • Compatibility check for WordPress 6.5.3


  • Fixed design issues.
  • Compatibility check for WordPress 5.7.
  • Add template for taxonomy page.
  • Change post type and taxonomy name to avoid conflicts with other plguin.
  • Change shortcode.


  • Initial Release.