Inazo's flamingo automatically delete old messages


Flamingo auto remove old messages

This plugin help you to auto removed all information stored by flamingo.

Functionnality :

  • Shelf life of contacts
  • Shelf life of incoming messages
  • Shelf life of outgoing messages
  • Shelf life of spam messages (30 days by default)
  • It automatically adds to the worpdress CRON natively
  • Complete deletion of data ratachés to the posts of flamingo
  • Comply with privacy and GDPR

Credits picture : Icons made by Eight Black Dots ( from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY


25. listopada 2024.
Works well, just wish the field prompts were in English and not French. Once the timeout periods are updated, it takes a few minutes to delete the unwanted messages. This function should be in the Flamingo plugin.
14. travnja 2023.
More than 300.000 spams successfull removed from flamingo`s messages. Thanks a lot!!! (it may take several hours or days, please, be patience)
16. svibnja 2018.
This plugin simply does its job. Please note that after installation the old messages may take a few hours to be deleted.
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  • Change translation system for more collaborative work


* Add auto trash config for spam messages, 30 days by default, like other it’s configurable
* Adding limit to 10 000 for spam deletion, for avoid denial of service

* Adjust some coding style (using variable where needed)

* Add French translation


  • init version