With this plugin, you will be able to display an index with all your tags, sort alphabeticaly.
The shortcode is [indextag nb=XX ul=YY li=ZZ letter=LL menu=1/0]
- XX is the number of tag that you want to display
- YY is the class of the ul if you need it
- ZZ is the class of the il if you need it
- LL is the class of the span containing the index letters
- 1 display the menu | 0 hide the menu
You can see an example of the functionnality of this plugin at Kune.fr
- 1.2 : Adding an optionnal menu (buddypress like)
- 1.1 : Adding more options to the plugin
- 1.0 : First release of the plugin
- Upload
to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Place
[indextag nb=XX ul=YY li=ZZ letter=LL]
according to the description
- Is it work with WordPress MU?
Of course it is.
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