The Kelkoo Group sales tracking plugin is the official Kelkoo Group Plugin for WordPress. It is completely free.
The plugin implements the Kelkoogroup sales tracking solution for woocommerce
- Configure the kelkoogroup setting via Settings > Kelkoogroup
- Activate the plugin.
Snimke zaslona
Install step by step : First go to “Plugin” wordpress menu Click the “Add new” button Search for “Kelkoo group sales tracking” From the result click on the “Install Now” button Once installed, go to the plugin menu and activate the plugin Go to the “Settings > Kelkoogroup” and set country and your company associated to your Kelkoogroup merchant account
- Requires PHP Version: 5.3 or higher
- Requires WordPress Version: 4.0 or higher
- Integrate your offers on Kelkoogroup network: to create your Kelkoo Group Merchant account, please have a look at Kelkoogroup for merchants.
Install and settings
Installation from WordPress dashboard
To install the Kelkoo Group sales tracking plugin:
- Log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click
Add New
. - In the search field type “Kelkoo Group sales tracking” and click Search Plugins. You can install it by simply clicking Install Now.
- Once installed navigate to the Plugins menu again and activate the plugin
- On plugin page go to “Settings” and click on the “Kelkoogroup” link
- Complete the form with information related to your kelkoo group subscription
- Done!
Installation via WordPress Cli
1. Log in to your site with SSH
2. cd to your sites root wordpress folder
3. Run wp plugin install wp plugin install kelkoogroup-sales-tracking --activate
4. On plugin page go to “Settings” and click on the “Kelkoogroup” link
5. Complete the form with information related to your kelkoo group subscription
6. Done!
Installation via FTP Client Software
- Extract the .ZIP archive to a local folder on your PC. It should contain a subfolder named kelkoogroup-sales-tracking.zip
- Upload unzipped
folder from Plugins folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory using your favorite FTP client software Make sure you have setup Transfer Mode – Binary, because files can be broken upon transfer with ASCII mode - Login to your WordPress admin dashboard, go to Plugins, Click
- On plugin page go to “Settings” and click on the “Kelkoogroup” link
- Complete the form with information related to your kelkoo group subscription
- Done!
Kelkoo Group settings
Once your subscription has been done, you will be able to access your Merchant Extranet Dashboard and retrieve the country code and comId information.
Suradnici i Programeri
“Kelkoogroup Salestracking” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- Fix productInfos base64 encoded
- Add leadtag call and plgVersion
- Store Ids on user meta
- Fix saleId in the case of multi campaigns
- Remove retry mecanism
- Implement S2S call
- Tested up to 6.4
- Fix issue with merchantInfos escaping
- Fix issue with basket escaping
- Fix small issues regarding escaping
- Improve plugin security and compatibility
- Update version and fix some documentation
- Update country parameter documentation
- Manage multiple campaigns
- Change the ways to manage plugins conflicts
- Add robustness on thankyou template (use plugin variable)
- Fix Basket parameter on confirmation page
- Initial revision.