Language Notice For Multilanguage Site automatically adds a block containing the link to read the Post in the current language if available.
Please submit bugs, patches, and feature requests to:
Snimke zaslona
The plugin is simple to install:
- Download ‘language-notice-for-multilanguage-site.zip’
- Unzip
- Upload ‘language-notice-for-multilanguage-site’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins’ directory, or install the plugin throught the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
Wait, it’s free?
Yes, it’s really free. There’s no premium version and no need to pay money to get access to features.
Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.
Suradnici i Programeri
“Language Notice For Multilanguage Site” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
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Zainteresirani ste za razvoj?
Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- First Release