Local Structured Schema data for Articles


Thanks to this plugin you will be able to add structured data of the article type which will automatically obtain the data from the website without the need for intervention or complex configurations.


How to install it?

You have to go to your WordPress site, and then go to plugins. Look for this plugin and install it. Once you activate it, there’s nothing else to do!

How to config it?

You don’t need to do anything. This plugin take all the necessary data automatically


15. veljače 2023.
Thanks for the plugin.Not in the scheme:descriptionmainEntityOfPageauthorThere is no width and height in the image and logo.
14. studenoga 2022.
This plugin is simple and just right for websites that don’t need unnecessary Schema definitions especially when such sites don’t use them. For Schama Article websites only, and nothing else. Hope you keep refining the plugin to include Author and Author URL and a few definitions related to Article Schema. Thank you!
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