MB Toolset Migration


This tool helps you migrate custom fields from Toolset to Meta Box.

Meta Box is a powerful, professional, and lightweight toolkit for developers to create custom meta boxes and custom fields for any custom post type in WordPress.

Switching from Toolset to Meta Box gives you lots of benefits:

See more details at the Toolset vs. Meta Box comparison page.


  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for Meta Box
  3. Click the Install Now button to install the plugin
  4. Click the Activate button to activate the plugin
  5. Search for MB Toolset Migration
  6. Click the Install Now button to install the plugin
  7. Click the Activate button to activate the plugin


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Dnevnik promjena

= 1.0.5 – 2024-11-01
Improve code quality with fixes for PHPCS

1.0.4 – 2024-10-14

Fix Plugin Check

1.0.3 – 2024-08-19

Fix running PHP Codesniffer when installing & autoload the plugin’s main file via Composer

1.0.2 – 2023-04-03

Fix “save_field” param is not set to true

1.0.1 – 2022-12-22

Fix not migrating post references

1.0.0 – 2022-05-14

Initial release