

Find the post. Click “Edit post”. Activate the “Text” tab of your post.

To modify the title tag of your post, add a simple string into your post content:
<!—title=”your title”—> (See screenshot-1)

To modify the description tag of your post, add:
<!—description=”your description”—> (See screenshot-1)

IMPORTANT!!! Be sure after “<!” characters you have two “-” characters. It is similar to HTML comment tag.

Multilingual support

If some kind of multilingual plugins are active (for example Multilanguage by BestWebSoft) – you can define titles and descriptions in other way: (See screenshot-2)

English locale (United States)
<!—title_en_US=”your title”—>
<!—description_en_US=”your description”—>

Українська локаль
<!—title_uk=”Ваш заголовок”—>
<!—description_uk=”Ваш опис”—>

Русская локаль
<!—title_ru_RU=»Ваш заголовок»—>
<!—description_ru_RU=»Ваше описание»—>

Feedbacks are welcome. Visit

Snimke zaslona

  • How to define title and description from post/page content
  • How to define multilanguage title and description from post/page content


Is plugin compatible with Yoast SEO?

Yes, it\’s compatioble.

How to set up title and description for different languages?

<!–title_en_US=”your title”–>
<!–description_en_US=”your description”–>
<!–title_uk=”Ваш заголовок”–>
<!–description_uk=”Ваш опис”–>
<!—title_ru_RU=»Ваш заголовок»—>
<!—description_ru_RU=»Ваше описание»—>


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