Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

MIF BP Customizer


Buddypress features extension plugin for creation of social network site.
It is oriented on work with social networking plugin BuddyPress.

Adds features:

Activity feed

Special activity feed. Changes the appearance and behavior of the activity feed on users’ pages (on personal page – “Whole feed”, on other users’ pages – only their activity). Allows to use content blocking tools.

Post types of activity feed. Allows to specify activity types, which should be displayed in user’s feed (“Special activity feed” option is required).

User blocking. Allows to maintain a list of users, whose information is blocked in your activity feed (“Special activity feed” option is required).

Site behavior

Profile as a homepage. Set user profile as his home page.

Profile privacy. Allow users to limit access to their profiles.

Subscribers. Enable subscription option for user updates (subscription = one-way friendship).

Notifications. Advanced notification mode.

Pop-up messages. Mechanism of pop-up messages (echo-server configuration is required).

Documents. Creation of files and documents collections on users’ and groups’ pages. Files and documents publication in the activity feed.

Dialogues (experimentally/is in a test mode). Simple and convenient dialogues instead of the standard system of private messages (experimentally/is in a test mode; echo-server configuration is required).

Background image. Allow to use custom image as a background for user profile or group.

Group address. Allow to change the group address in its settings and at creation.

«Like» button. «Like» button for posts in the activity feed.

«Repost» button. Second publication (repost) of posts in the activity feed.

«Favorite», «Delete» buttons. Special «Favorite», «Delete» buttons (as «Like» and «Repost» button)

Visual elements

Site member widget. Fast and simple widget of site members avatars.

Group widget. Fast and simple widget of group avatars.

Snimke zaslona

  • Plugin configuration page
  • “Like”, “Favorite”, “Repost” buttons, activity feed configuration menu
  • Subscription and access restriction menu on user page
  • Repost-post
  • Configuration of displayed posts
  • Access restriction to your page
  • User documents
  • Pop-up notifications
  • Dialogues


  1. Install as any other plugin.
  2. Activate for network or for a site, where BuddyPress plugin is used.
  3. Visit (in console) “Settings” -> “BP Customizer” page, select needed options.


Installation Instructions
  1. Install as any other plugin.
  2. Activate for network or for a site, where BuddyPress plugin is used.
  3. Visit (in console) “Settings” -> “BP Customizer” page, select needed options.


11. veljače 2018.
Thank you this plugin allows me to remove some plugins you have included. Looking forward to updates. Fantastic!!! Again, Thankyou
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Dnevnik promjena


  • cover access fix
  • settings page fix


  • first public plugin version