

Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 26. prosinca 2023. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Ovo je trajno zatvoreno. Razlog: Zahtjev autora.


19. rujna 2023. 1 odgovor
It’s cant print invoice and bad respond, I already told the issue at support threads, but it’s look like emagicone just reply and forget it.You can search at support thread ” Failed to load data when click print button, how to fix it?”
18. siječnja 2021.
No need for a Jetpack and accounts Visually beautiful Very easy to work with Enables order status change The support is very responsive I love it. If you want the option to edit or add products using this app then it will cost you about 40$ – your call. I am using the free version and when I will need the editing products feature I will pay for it – BTW – it is 40$ for life usage!
09. listopada 2020. 1 odgovor
Can you give me a link to connect my website to woocommerce directly?
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