

Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 08. kolovoza 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Razlog: Sigurnosni problemi.


23. studenoga 2022.
I used this plugin to protect the email addresses of the Executive Board of our camera club and a week later they were all hacked! Not good.
17. rujna 2022.
It doesn’t work and the developer’s blog hasn’t been updated since 2016. Looks like he has given up on updating this.
28. listopada 2021.
It does not work, whichever setting you choose the result does not change, the e-mail remains unencrypted even in the code.
20. kolovoza 2021.
show definitely no effect, either on ajax-loaded content nor on simple wordpress pages…
23. veljače 2017.
This plugin is useless for SPAM prevention. Manuel Razzari is spot-on in his review: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bad-by-default-configurable-to-downright-evil/
03. rujna 2016.
Thanks a lot for creating this great and useful plugin. SPAM takes a lot of time in the daily business so it’s best if there’s no SPAM. In Germany we have to present a valid E-Mail address in the imprint of a business website, so it’s quite dangerous that any E-Mail harvesting bot gets what it’s designed to do: harvest valid mail addresses. So a script like this helps a lot to minimize the chance to feed those bots.
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