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OSI Affiliate


OSI Affiliate plugin allows customers to add affiliate tracking code to a WordPress website. It makes it easy for you to create a referral marketing program for your WordPress. To use it, grab your affiliate tracking code from our platform. Next, go to our plugin and click add. Give it a name and then embed your tracking code. Our plugin will then generate a short code like: [short-code]
Each short code is unique. You can now take that short code and add it to a page in your WordPress. Now you can track referral sales that come through your WordPress.


To use the plugin, you are going to have to first get the affiliate tracking code from our platform. Then you are going to add this code into the plugin. Once you add the code into the plugin, our plugin will give you what we call snipplet short code which is code that you can place inside any page and when you place it inside a page, it will start tracking referrals.

  1. Click to go into the plugin and click Add New HTML Snippet
  2. Enter a name and then enter the tracking code that you received.
  3. Next, you would see a confirmation message that the html snippet is added successfully.
  4. Select the Short code and copy it.
  5. Open a page from the wp admin panel pages option. This is the page where you want to add the tracking code. Open it and inside this page you are going to add the Snipplet Short Code.
  6. Paste the copied code into the Content Area of the page.
  7. Save/Update the Page and open/refresh it in the front end.

Snimke zaslona


  1. Download the WordPress plugin
  2. Upload the contents of the zip to your plugin directory
  3. Enable the plugin in your WordPress admin


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  • Launched the base version of the plugin