
Plugin Directory

Portfolio – Filterable Masonry Portfolio Gallery for Professionals



Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 13. prosinca 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Razlog: Sigurnosni problemi.


16. siječnja 2017.
It’s not really usable because you have no configuration options. If you load a large picture, it comes 1:1 on your website (so about 3000px high), there is no option to change sizes for preview and so on..
11. prosinca 2016.
This is a very clean and good plugin! But i really miss the support here in WP Plugin Directory. Thats a big mistakes that support-treads dont get replys. Plugin is great, but i miss some settings, as color-change, remove-details button opinions and other.. I change the code myself, so its OK, but for others i feel the plugin is not complete without some better styling-settings.
17. studenoga 2016.
Highly recommended, easy to use but if possible we need more shortcode so we can display the portfolio in different page or post.
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