The Sales Metrics for Easy Digital Downloads is a free add-on developed by the good people at phpcontrols.com.
The add-on is supported by all major desktop web browsers as well as on mobile and tablet devices.
- Total customers
- Total revenue
- Total sales
- Top sellers
- One-click filter by date range
- Recent purchase by date range!
System Requirements
- Easy Digital Downloads version 2.x.
I’ve got suggestions. Where should I send them?
Great! Please email info@eddsm.com and submit your ideas and suggestions!
Please follow these simple steps to install the plugin:
- From the dashboard of your site, navigate to Plugins –> Add New.
- Select the Upload option and hit “Choose File.”
- When the popup appears select the easy-digital-downloads-sales-metrics-x.zip file from your desktop. (The ‘x’ will change depending on the current version number).
- Follow the on-screen instructions and wait as the upload completes.
- When it’s finished, activate the plugin via the prompt. A message will show confirming activation was successful.
That’s it! You can now access “Sales Metrics” link on the nav bar in admin dashboard.
Suradnici i Programeri
“Sales Metrics for Easy Digital Downloads” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
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Dnevnik promjena
- Initial EDD sales report dashboard