Install this plugin to extends the WPForms plugin to accept payments with the SecurePay Payment Platform for Malaysians.
If you have any questions or suggestions about this plugin, please contact us directly through email at hello@securepay.my . Our friendly team will gladly reply as soon as possible.
Other Integrations:
Make sure that you already have WPForms plugin installed and activated.
- Login to your WordPress Dashboard
- Go to Plugins > Add New
- Search SecurePay For WPForms and click Install
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
Contact us through email hello@securepay.my if you have any questions or comments about this plugin.
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Dnevnik promjena
1.0.6 (27-10-2021)
- Fixed: banklist_output(), process_entry() -> replace buyer_bank_code esc_attr with sanitize_text_field.
- Fixed: banklist_output -> js securepaybankgivewp function checking.
1.0.5 (25-08-2021)
- Fixed: bank list select script.
- Fixed: handle bank image not exists.
1.0.4 (21-08-2021)
- Fixed: Undefined variable: sandbox
- Fixed: get_url()
1.0.3 (19-08-2021)
- Fixed: Undefined variable: html
1.0.2 (09-08-2021)
- Fixed: securepaycancel, securepaytimeout hash value.
- Added: test mode.
1.0.1 (07-08-2021)
- Initial release.