Adds a shortcode and action to add a “Delete Post” link to posts so user’s can delete them. By default it requires the user to have the “delete_post” capability for the post in question, but if you want anarchy, you can customize that all the way to loggedin or even public…
[sewn_post_delete_link] // Loads current post for editing
[sewn_post_delete_link text="Bye bye post" before="" after="" title="" class=""] // Will change the link text to "Bye bye post"
These are the same arguments for in template action below.
text = link text
before = html to show before the link
after = html to show after the link
title = the link title, defaults to link text
class = extra classes to add to the link
This will show the link to users have the ability to use it.
do_action('sewn/post_delete/link', array('text'=>"Bye bye post", 'before'=>'', 'after'=>'', title=>'', 'class'=>''));
- Install plugin either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server.
- Activate the plugin via the Plugins admin page.
- None yet.
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Dnevnik promjena
1.0.0 – 2015-06-08
- Initial launch