Payment tracking is much easier with the Shopinext plugin specially developed for WooCommerce!
Snimke zaslona
You can find and install it by typing Shopinext in the WordPress plugins.
What’s new with the plugin?
- You can make partial or full refunds via WordPress!
- You can follow the order and log records from the special pages added to the menu.
Can I receive payments abroad?
- Yes, you can receive your overseas payments in TRY, USD, EUR or GBP.
Can I use it from abroad?
- Only the users that are Turkish citizens can use it for now. After the date 31.12.2022, the users living abroad will be able to receive secure payment with Shopinext!
Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.
Suradnici i Programeri
“Shopinext” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
Suradnici“Shopinext” je preveden na 2 jezika. Zahvala prevoditeljima za njihov doprinos.
Prevedite “Shopinext” na svoj jezik.
Zainteresirani ste za razvoj?
Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- Shopinext has been developed with Shopinext API V2.
- Fixed the customer IP data.
- The discount coupon amount has been added to the cart amount.
- An update has been made to control the total basket amount and the amount calculated by Shopinext.
- An update has been made for extra fees that can be added to the basket with plugins.
- The version control system has been developed.
- Added control of whether TAX is included in the product price.