Ovaj dodatak je zatvoren od 30. prosinca 2024. i nije dostupan za preuzimanje. Ovo zatvaranje je privremeno, puna recenzija u tijeku.
23. srpnja 2024.
This plugin does exactly what I says! It works just fine 🙂
09. kolovoza 2023.
<!– wp:paragraph –>
<p class=””>2+ years later and I still feel the same way about this plugin. This plugin does exactly what it says… creates pages in bulk quickly. I’ve been using this plugin for years and it is always one of the first plugins I install in a site to build out my site’s navigation. I highly recommend this plugin!</p>
<!– /wp:paragraph –>
10. kolovoza 2020.
I am a web designer and I don’t understand why this plugin is so inconsiderate. It’s the best there is, it makes me a lot of work.
19. prosinca 2017.
It is very convenient to compose a structure of pages and subpages in a text document, and then create them all in a second together with their hierarchy.
03. rujna 2016.
You can export mindmaps from Mindmeister via textexport and then import with this plug-in. Viola added 500 pages struktur. Very nice.
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