The features in English
- It has a widget, you can drag it drop it where you want in the side.Also you can set it how many tweetes you want to show.
- You do not need to input you Sina account and password, you just tell Sina that you want to use this plugin by click a link.
- It automaticly generate the link of the urls and @xxx in tweets.
If any help is needed, please checkout my tech blog: http://www.zhlwish.com
The features in Chinese
- 自带一个WordPress”小工具”, 你可使用拖拽的方式直接指定插件显示的位置
- 使用新浪微博的授权, 不需要用户名和密码, 保证了你帐号的安全
- 自动转换微博中的URL和@符号
如果使用上需要什么帮助请, 查看我的博客: http://www.zhlwish.com
In English
- Upload to /wp-content/plugins/ directory;
- Go to wordpress plugin page,active “新浪微博” plugin;
- Go to “新浪微博” page under “Plugin” menu, click on “授权” link, you will be automaticly redirect to the authorize page of Sina Weibo, please follow the instructions of Sina Weibo;
- Go to “Widget” page, you will find a widget named “新浪微博”, drag it and drop it to the sidebar on right;
- Set the “标题” and “显示微博的条数”, and then go to the home page and find out what supprises you.
In Chinese
- 上传到 /wp-content/plugins/ 目录;
- 在Wordpress后台控制面板”插件”菜单下激活”新浪微博”插件;
- 点击Wordpress后台控制面板”新浪微博”菜单, 点击”授权”链接, 页面将会转向到新浪微博授权页面, 请按照新浪微博的提示进行授权;
- 在Wordpress后台控制面板”外观”菜单, 点击”小工具”, 找到一个名叫”新浪微博”的小工具, 拖到到”侧边栏”中;
- 设置标题和显示微博的条数, 然后到首页查看效果.
- What could I Do if I met an error message “Call to undefined function curl_init()”
Please install or enable curl extension in PHP
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Dnevnik promjena
- 启动项目, 发布内测版本
- 修复了当用户还没有获得授权时首页报错
- 修复了当用户没有微博内容时首页保错
- 针对使用比较多的LightWord主题显示位置偏移做了修改
- 修正”关注我吧”链接
- 修正”*s秒前”多了个s的问题
- 修正了”*天前”链接无法访问的问题
- 修正32位服务器上新浪微博id长度显示为科学计数法形式,感谢yuanwencong.com网友提出此问题
- 修正部分主题css样式优先级高导致微博中的链接显示不正常的问题
- 修正当微博设置中取消授权后不能重新授权的错误,感谢justintseng.com网友提出此问题