SMNTCS Google Webmaster Tools


Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is an essential tool for monitoring and maintaining your site’s presence in Google search results. The SMNTCS Google Webmaster Tools plugin simplifies the process of adding the Google Search Console verification code to your website, ensuring that you can easily verify your site and access valuable insights about its performance.

Snimke zaslona

  • Provide your URL in the section URL prefix
  • Copy the meta tag from the section HTML tag
  • Paste you Google Analytics tracking code in the customizer


  1. Upload smntcs-google-webmaster-tools to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktivirajte dodatak kroz izbornik Dodaci u WordPressu
  3. Go to
  4. Provide your URL in the section URL prefix, e.g., and click on Continue
  5. Now, open the section HTML tag within the section Other verification methods
  6. Copy the meta tag, e.g. <meta name="google-site-verification" content="BeFze6w_rrIm1NFPKJ-pDDbkf0oeqrtC5sjqb6WzCoE" />
  7. Go to Google Webmaster Tools and paste your verification code


Why do I need Google Webmaster Tools in first place?

Google Webmaster Tools enables web masters to detect indexing issues, e.g. if the Google Bot cannot access the page or if missing pages occur in the search index.

How do I add Google Webmaster Tools to my page?

  1. Go to
  2. Provide your URL in the section URL prefix, e.g., and click on Continue
  3. Now, open the section HTML tag within the section Other verification methods
  4. Copy the meta tag, e.g. <meta name="google-site-verification" content="BeFze6w_rrIm1NFPKJ-pDDbkf0oeqrtC5sjqb6WzCoE" />
  5. Go to Google Webmaster Tools and paste your verification code

Why am I not able to save the verification code?

This issue might be caused by a security plugin. If you use a security plugin, e.g. Wordfence, then disable it so save your verification code and activate it once you’re done.


08. travnja 2019. 1 odgovor
Helps a lot. What will I do without plugins like these????
Pročitajte svih 5 recenzija

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3.4 (2024.10.30)

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3.3 (2024.10.22)

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  • Migrate Cypress to Playwright

3.2 (2023.10.02)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.4

3.1 (2023.03.11)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.2

3.0 (2022.12.03)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.1

2.9 (2022.05.09)

  • Test up to WordPress 6.0

2.8 (2021.12.19)

2.7 (2021.04.25)

  • Test up to WordPress 5.7

2.6 (2020.10.09)

  • Test up to WordPress 5.5

2.5 (2020.05.02)

2.4 (2019.11.22)

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2.3 (2019.06.28)

  • Update installation instructions

2.2 (2018.03.18)

  • Add

2.1 (2016.12.24)

  • Add FAQ

2.0 (2016.09.11)

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1.6 (2016.07.20)

  • Add donation link

1.5 (2016.07.20)

  • Update textdomain

1.4 (2016.07.20)

  • Add settings link
  • Update Dutch translation
  • Update German translation

1.3 (2016.07.20)

  • Store translations outside plugin

1.2 (2016.07.20)

  • Make plugin translation ready
  • Add Dutch translation
  • Add German translation

1.1 (2016.07.20)

  • Fix broken file path
  • Add FAQs

1.0 (2016.07.20)

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