This is a plugin to send sms notification on Contact Form 7 submission. You can enable sms capability on each form of contact form 7. You have to configure first with sms capable twilio number to send sms on form submission.You can put your preferred number to receive sms for each form.If any twilio error occured it will send an email to site admin about that error.
Privacy notices
With the default configuration, this plugin, in itself, does not:
- track users by stealth;
- write any user personal data to the database;
- send any data to external servers;
- use cookies.
- You have to have Contact Form 7 installed and acitve
- Install and activate Sms notification contact form with twilio plugin
- You will find Sms Notification menu in your WordPress admin screen
- Navigate to settings page of Sms Notification menu and submit your twilio information. You can find those information on Twilio Console. Make sure your twilio phone number is capable of sending sms and put twilio phone number in E.164 format.
- Go to Main page and there you can select which form should submission will trigger sms notification and you can put different phone number for different forms. On this form also put your phone number in E.164 format.
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