Oznaka dodatka: author
SX No author Pagination
(0 ukupna ocijena)SX No author Pagination removes properly any author pagination and redirects useless paginated content.
Display Name Author Permalink
(5 ukupna ocijena)Replaces the username for author permalinks with the users display name. Returns a 404 if the author permalink using the actual username is used.
About Author
(5 ukupna ocijena)Display Blog Authors Information In Style you can publish blog users profile into any Page or Post in your WordPress sites.
Smart Custom Display Name
(5 ukupna ocijena)Allows you to change the value of "Display name publicly as" in user profiles to any string
Post Author IP
(0 ukupna ocijena)Records the IP address of the original post author when a post first gets created.
WP Default Author
(4 ukupna ocijena)Changes the default author either gobally or for individual users.
Post Author
(1 ukupna ocijena)Display author, writing and editing date – fully customizable for content, excerpt, home, archive… with exceptions. Great for multi-author websites.
WordPress Author Plugin Widget
(9 ukupna ocijena)WordPress Author plugin widget displays a list of WordPress authors on your WordPress website using the widget area section
Simple Author Bio
(2 ukupna ocijena)Plugin that shows the author's biography in the foot of the posts.
Change Product Author for WooCommerce
(7 ukupna ocijena)This makes it easy to change the author assigned to a WooCommerce product post type.
Overwrite Author Name
(2 ukupna ocijena)Overwrite Author to a consistent name when publishing a post.
All-in-one Widget
(4 ukupna ocijena)Add fundamental functionality to your WordPress sidebars with a set of proper widgets.
BookPress – For Book Authors
(5 ukupna ocijena)Books on WordPress made easy. Write and display your books: Add chapters, pages, table of contents, track word counts and more.
Author Spotlight (Widget)
(2 ukupna ocijena)A Sidebar widget to display the Author(s) profile on any Page or Post along with Social web links.
Author Post Ratings
(8 ukupna ocijena)Allows a post author to assign a simple 1-5 star rating to a post, page, or custom post type, which will then be displayed on the post.
Custom Comment Notifications
(6 ukupna ocijena)Allow for the comment email notifications to be completely customized.