Oznaka dodatka: bible
(2 ukupna ocijena)Plugin finds Bible references in your posts and changes them for the actual Bible text from any of 38 different translations in 14 languages.
Bible Verses – Random Bible Verses
(0 ukupna ocijena)Shows random Bible verses as widget or using shortcode.
Bible Reading Plan
(0 ukupna ocijena)Lead your readers through the Bible in a year with this sidebar widget.
Daily Bible Verse
(0 ukupna ocijena)This plugin lets you add a Bible Verse of the Day widget to your WordPress page.
BibleGet I/O
(3 ukupna ocijena)Insert Bible quotes in your articles or pages using the "Bible quote" block or the [bibleget] shortcode; uses the BibleGet I/O API.
Verse Of The Day
(0 ukupna ocijena)Displays a daily bible verse on your site, using a Verse of the Day RSS feed.
ESV Bible Shortcode for WordPress
(4 ukupna ocijena)This plugin uses the ESV Bible Web Service API to provide an easy way to display scripture in the ESV translation using WordPress shortcodes.
(1 ukupna ocijena)Prayer request application to allow users to submit requests or pray for existing requests
Verse of the Day
(1 ukupna ocijena)This plugin shows a daily verse of the Holy Word of God, the Bible, on Bibliatodo.com
Bible Plus+
(0 ukupna ocijena)This plugin displays bible verses and a daily proverb directly in your posts, pages or anywhere shortcodes are processed.
Daily Bible Readings
(2 ukupna ocijena)Show the current day's scripture readings and fasting rule from the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America on your own websit …
TopBible for WordPress
(2 ukupna ocijena)Aide à l'insertion de versets Bibliques et de liens vers TopBible.com. // Helps inserting Bible verses and links to french-speaking site TopBible …
(0 ukupna ocijena)Displays random scriptures in posts and admin panel. Bible verses about prosperity. Prosperity Scriptures.
Versiculo del dia
(2 ukupna ocijena)Este plugin muestra un versículo diario de la Santa Palabra de Dios, la Biblia, por Bibliatodo.com.
Simple Bible Verse via Shortcode
(1 ukupna ocijena)Displays a Bible verse (KJV) based on the reference placed in a shortcode.
Enduring Word Bible Commentary
(0 ukupna ocijena)The Enduring Word Bible Commentary Quick Navigation provides access to opening external links on https://enduringword.com.
Biblia Catolica Widget
(0 ukupna ocijena)Ofereça a Bíblia Católica aos seus visitantes. Acesso rápido a todos os 73 livros da Bíblia Sagrada…
Concordancia de la Biblia
(1 ukupna ocijena)Este plugins hace que la búsqueda de cualquier palabra en varias versiones de la Biblia por Bibliatodo.com
Devotionalium Daily Verses for WordPress
(0 ukupna ocijena)Include today's verses from devotionalium.com, with rich support for original languages.