Oznaka dodatka: gif
Flat Preloader
(17 ukupna ocijena)Flat Preloader helps you create the loading page with many excited gif icons.
GIF Master – Awesome GIFs with Giphy and Tenor
(1 ukupna ocijena)GIF Master WordPress plugin allows you to insert gifs from Giphy and Tenor into your WordPress pages and posts.
WP GIF Uploader
(1 ukupna ocijena)The plugin handles the GIF upload process without losing the GIF animation in the uploaded gif and all generated subsizes.
Insert Giphy Block
(0 ukupna ocijena)Search and insert a Giphy directly from your Gutenberg editor.
WP GIF Player – Play & Pause
(1 ukupna ocijena)Insert GIFs that can be played and paused into your WordPress posts and pages using shortcodes and Gutenberg blocks.
AM LottiePlayer
(5 ukupna ocijena)The most complete Lottie Player plugin! It is lightweight, versatile and easy to use, and it works with Gutenberg, Divi, Elementor and Flatsome.
AI Preloader
(0 ukupna ocijena)AI preloader is a tool that displays an animation or loading screen while a website's content is being loaded. This loading animation or screen c …
Embed Gfycat Block
(0 ukupna ocijena)This plugin allows you to embed Gifs in posts and pages with a Gutenberg Block.
Media Checkerboard
(1 ukupna ocijena)Simple backend plugin that renders a checkerboard under PNG and GIF images so you can see alpha channel
Banner Generator For Woocommerce
(0 ukupna ocijena)By this plugin, you can build and manage animated gif banners with your woocommerce products.
GM Community Gallery
(0 ukupna ocijena)The GM Community Gallery is a public gallery plugin for WordPress that allows site visitors to upload images.