A quick look into UDVD-Contactpage-Generator :
★Create a nice Responsive ContactUs page with a click
★HTML5+CSS3 Powered
★Email and Required field validation
★Easy to configure
★Shortcode support
ContactUs page
You will get a fancy contact page with inserted shortcode [udvdcontactpage] as soon as you activate the plugin.Here you can view – Demo
HTML5 conformance checker
we shouldn’t refer to it as a “validator” anymore; concept we use is “conformance checker”. Please check the demo
Easy to configure
you can configure 1.Email Address 2.Redirect URL 3.Email success text
You can also create a email success page and redirect after form Submission.
Shortcode support
You can create Multiple contact forms with this shortcode [udvdcontactpage] support.Also supported in posts
This is the first official launch so please send feedbacks & Bugs to support desk.
Go to settings>UDVD Contactpage
1)update the Email Address where you want to receive emails (Leave it intact if admin email is where you want to receive)
2) Add Redirect URL(eg:sucess page) leave it empty if you want to display text
3)Enter the Email success that will appear after form submission
4)If you want to load contact form in any other page you can make use of the shortcode[udvdcontactpage].
Upload ‘UDVD-Contactpage-Generator’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3.Go to settings page and configure 1.Email Address 2.Redirect URL 3.Email success text.
Thats it you are done and your ContactUs page is live.
If you need any further help, you may contact our support desk.
- 1.I can’t see my contact form after I upgraded to latest version.
Please deactivate and reactivate the plugin. All your contact forms should come back. If they don’t, please contact our support desk.
- 2. The Contact Form is not working properly.
Please check the wpversion you are using. Make sure it meets the minimum version recommended by us. Make sure all files of the
plugin are uploaded to the folderwp-content/plugins/
- 3. How can I display the contact form in my website ?
First you need to activate our plugin.Contact Us page gets generated as soon as the plugin gets acivated
- 4. How can I display in the new page/any other page of my wish ?
Change the name of the Contact us page generated in Menu or just make use of the shortcode [udvdcontactpage].
Nema recenzija za ovaj dodatak.
Suradnici i Programeri
“UDVD-Contactpage-Generator” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
SuradniciPrevedite “UDVD-Contactpage-Generator” na svoj jezik.
Zainteresirani ste za razvoj?
Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- Official launch
WordPress 3.0+
PHP 5+
We would like to receive your feedback and suggestions about UDVD-Contactpage-Generator. You may submit them at our [support desk] http://blog.youdreamwedevelop.com/udvd-contactpage-generator/