Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Video Blogster Lite


No need to search YouTube and copy/paste videos into WordPress. Video Blogster
Lite will automatically fetch the title, description, thumbnail, and
statistics for each video in your keyphrase search. Integrates seamlessly with
WP-PostRatings and WP-PostViews.

Snimke zaslona

  • Options to grab YouTube Videos and create posts

  • Messages from results of searching for ‘funny cat videos’

  • Post view of ‘funny cat videos’ result with Ratings and Views.

  • Post preview of ‘funny cat videos’ result.


  1. Install the plugin through WordPress admin or upload the Video Blogster
    directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Visit Tools -> Video Blogster Lite to make YouTube requests.


What are the differences between the Lite and Pro versions?

Video Blogster Pro has a ton of additional features, filters, options,
scheduling and more. Check out

Why can’t I request more than 50 videos at a time?

YouTube has a max limit of 50 items per request. Batch processing is available in
the Pro version.


19. veljače 2021.
I needed a new Plugin for getting YouTube videos to my Blog since my old one expired and went to a subscription service. This was the ticket. Excellent Customer Service from John Holt and does a great job on getting the video to my blog. have an issue, just leave John a message and he is on top of it. I have the PRO version and it is worth the money!
06. ožujka 2017.
been looking for just this. many of these video scrapers just dont put the featured image in the post or have something going on that causes issues. This is simple, works easy, easy to grasp how to work it and did exactly what i wanted to scrape in videos by keywords. great stuff. give it a try 🙂
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Released May 15th, 2023

  • Updated YouTube ToS.


Released September 28th, 2016

  • Display each info message immediately instead of end of script.
  • Load CSS file only on plugin’s admin page.
  • Added filter ‘vbl_youtube_args’ so user can modify YouTube query.
  • Posts are now not published until after thumbnail is imported.


  • Initial Release