Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Vimeo Everywhere


Display your public Vimeo videos, albums or channels on a WordPress website. Use the shortcode generator to place your videos on pages, posts or custom post types. Use the admin panel to place your videos in the dashboard (for example, make a learning center for your clients). Use the widget to put a video list in the sidebar.

Snimke zaslona

  • Dashboard Video Settings – Vimeo Everywhere settings page. Here you can link to you account, select the placement and title of the dashboard videos, and select what albums to show
  • Dashboard Video Display – Show videos on your dashboard area for your clients. We use this section for placing training videos for our clients.
  • Popup Video Display – This plugin uses the built in jquery lightbox feature that comes installed on WordPress. You can set the dimensions of the video window.
  • Vimeo Album Display – Using the shortcode generator you can drop in an album from your Vimeo account to any page or post.
  • Shortcode Options – This is where you select what single video, album, or channel to display on your page.
  • Widget Options – The widget settings. For placing an album list on your sidebar.
  • Single Video in Content – Use the shortcode generator to drop in a single video on your page.


  1. Place the ‘pyd-vimeo_everywhere’ folder in your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  2. Activate SmugMug Responsive Slider.
  3. Visit ‘Settings > Vimeo Everywhere’ and your Vimeo User name.
  4. Change the setting to fit your needs.
  5. Use the dashboard menu, widget, or shortcode generator to display your Vimeo videos.


Do I need a Vimeo account?

This plugin allows you to pull in from a public Vimeo account. It can be yours or one you have permission to use.

Is this plugin just for Vimeo


I can’t see any of my videos

Make sure that your videos are public. This plugin does not authenticate you as a user, so it only pulls in public videos from your account.

Where can I get more help or offer suggestions

Visit the plugin website



25. siječnja 2017. 1 odgovor
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /web/htdocs/www.THENAMEOFMYSITE.XXX/home/prs/wp-content/plugins/vimeo-everywhere/includes/pyd-admin_videos.php on line 41
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Dnevnik promjena


  • Verified with WordPress 4.7


  • Code cleanup and testing for newer version of WordPress


  • Public release