Automatically convert all images (png and jpg) sent to the WordPress library to webp.
ATTENTION: The original images are not kept, when sending an image it will be as if you had sent a webp from the beginning.
Features include:
- Set conversion quality.
- Set the maximum width/height of images. If an image exceeds the defined value in height or width, the image will be resized to the defined maximum.
- Ignore images that have a certain name in the file name
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“Webp Transformer” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.
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Dnevnik promjena
Release Date 10th November 2024
- Adjustments to be compatible with PHP versions from 7.4 onwards
Release Date 1th November 2024
- Add assets and structure to readme.txt and repository
Release Date 1th November 2024
- First version