Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

WP Emo-ello


  • Insert via TinyMCE Plugins (See Screenshots)
  • Use HTML Code

  • Use Short Code

    [icon name=”emo-beer”]
    [icon name=”emo-coffee”]

  • Full list of Emoticons’s Name (Remember Add Prefix ‘icon-‘ when using HTML Code)

“emo-sunglasses”, “emo-devil”, “emo-wink2”, “emo-beer”, “emo-cry”, “emo-coffee”, “emo-thumbsup”, “emo-wink”, “emo-grin”,”emo-shoot”,”emo-tongue”,”emo-sleep”,”emo-happy”,”emo-angry”,”emo-squint”,”emo-surprised”,”emo-unhappy”,”emo-displeased”,”emo-saint”,”emo-laugh”

  • Replace WordPress’s Smileys

The following emoticons are supported:

  • :) :-) :smile:
  • :( :-( :sad:
  • ;) ;-) :wink:
  • :P :-P :razz:
  • -.- -_- :sleep:
  • :thumbs: :thumbsup:
  • :devil: :twisted:
  • :o :-o :eek:
  • 8O 8o 8-O 8-o :shock:
  • :coffee:
  • 8) 8-) B) B-) :cool:
  • :/ :-/
  • :beer:
  • :D :-D :grin:
  • x( x-( X( X-( :angry:
  • :x :-x :mad:
  • O:) 0:) o:) O:-) 0:-) o:-) :saint:
  • :'( :'-( :cry:
  • :shoot:
  • ^^ ^_^ :lol:

Notes (When Convert WordPress’s Smileys):
* Emoticons must be surrounded with spaces (or other white space characters); e.g. the emoticon in that:)smile won’t be replaced
* Emoticons won’t be replaced in HTML tags nor in <pre> or <code> blocks.

Github Repository –

Font License

The emoticons used in this plugin are based on the “Fontelico” font.


Copyright (C) 2012 by Fontello project
Author:    Crowdsourced, for Fontello project
License:   SIL (

Many thanks to the following plugins and their authors:

  • Based on Font Awesome Plugins v4.2 – for Tiny MCE Plugins / HTML / Short Code
  • Based on Font Emoticons Plugins v1.2 – for Replaces WP-Smilies with Fontello Emoticons
  • Based on Better Font Awesome Plugins v1.0.6 – for Display Icon in TinyMCE Listbox

Snimke zaslona

  • available emoticons
  • tinymce plugins


  1. Upload the wp-emo-ello directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Use one of the three usage methods (HTML, Shortcode, or TinyMCE plugin) within the content of your posts or pages.
  4. Use either the HTML or Shortcode methods inside your text widgets.




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“WP Emo-ello” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


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Dnevnik promjena


  • First release.