This plugin let you add file types to the default list of file extensions
supported by the Media Library upload procedure.
- Create the directory wp-extra-file-types in your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
- Upload all the plugin’s file to the newly created directory
- Aktivirajte dodatak kroz izbornik ‘Dodaci’ u WordPressu
19. listopada 2024.
I needed to add some .exe files to my Wordpress site, and this plugin did the job, something that other people don’t do is add the instruction “define(‘ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS’, true);” into wp-config.php file, this did the trick with last Wordpress version 6.6.2 works like a charm. Finally restart Wordpress and it’s done.
20. travnja 2024.
I read several “it doesn’t work”-remarks: it works fine, but the documentation and description doesn’t help newcomers!
Settings you’ll find in section “Settings, Extra File Types”
It only inserts the required filter statements so wordpress allows to upload and managing those files.
The plugin itself doesn’t bring file support itself – only modifies the upload-filter!
22. ožujka 2024.
Works partially. With correct mime type, yes you can upload new files as “documents”, but they are either refused in the end, or renamed into TIF extension if the mimtype is image.
impossible to insert them as attachement in a post.
there is a better plugin out there that creates posts for that purpose.
24. siječnja 2024.
This was great. We are a publisher, so the inability to upload .epub files as a Woocommerce product was a killer. It uses the Wordpress file types list.
What you have to do is remember to go to Settings in Wordpress and select the file types you want AND scroll right to the bottom and save the changes. I didn’t do that first time – thinking that toggling the checkbox was enough, so it didn’t remember.
28. rujna 2023.
this plugin doesnt do the thing it’s supposed to do 😅
15. svibnja 2023.
enabled gpx, applied changes, waited a moment, refreshed… then tried to upload a gpx file. Not working. Still the message that I am not allowed to upload that kind of file.
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Pregledajte kôd, pogledajte SVN spremišteili se pretplatite na dnevnik razvoja od RSS.
Dnevnik promjena
- files cleanup
- security optimizations
- code optimizations
- adapted to WP 5.8.2
- bug fixes
- code optimizations
- user interface fix
- released experimental fix to have better integration with GravityForms
- fix on custom file types
- mime types database updated
- changed .exe mime type
- added more extensions and mime types
- added the option “skip wordpress check” to disable WordPress internal checks
- changes to settings page
- do not display file types already allowed by WordPress
- added the option “skip strict mime type check”
- fixed a problem related to mime types identification strings different between PHP finfo_* functions and user defined list
- added .pages
- added .numbers
- added .keynote
- added .mobi
- added .notebook
- added .gallery
- added .woff2 file type
- added .gpx file type, thanks to “SpriterQC” for the suggestion
- added custom file types administration, you can add/remove/modify new entries
- renamed .bid to .bld, thanks to “wbdesinger”
- added .m4r file type, thanks to “ywait4ever” for the suggestion
- added .bid file type, thanks to “wbdesigner” for the suggestion
- added .msp and .msu file types, thanks to “zkiller” for the suggestion
- added a long list of mime-types
- added administration page
- first release